May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 83: Daughter-in-law ran away

"Son, do you know about your uncle Gao's house?"

"What do you say."

"I'm angry when I talk about it." Meng Xing slapped the table fiercely, and said sternly: "Gao Jinglin ran away from home. The compound said that he eloped with your wife. The surname Gao is shameless. I am embarrassed to say that his son was abducted. I think Gao Jinglin abducted your daughter-in-law not according to his good intentions."

The expression on Meng Fan's face solidified for a moment, and her star-like eyes were cold and sharp.

Meng Xingzhi looked at his son more distressed, and slapped the table louder, "Don't worry, I will let the surname Gao give me an explanation for this matter. It is really hateful and even dare to **** it without seeing who it is."

"What Dad doesn't have, don't talk nonsense." Meng Fan's expression is light, but the coldness that surrounds his body is not uncommon.

Meng Xingzhi handed him a look that I understood and didn't need to explain.

"Blame me, I didn't help you to look good on your daughter-in-law."

"..." Meng Fan was quite speechless, "You have too much control!"

"Really?" Meng Xingzhi asked, "I'm not afraid that you will suffer! Someone wants to bully my son. Of course, I am the first to not allow it. I don't want to make a joke to see who I am."

Meng Fan's heart seemed to be blocked by a big rock, and the situation seemed more serious than when he heard it at Gao Jinglin's house that day. He has been busy these days, even deliberately ignoring her, just not wanting to lose control of himself too much.

But now... the situation seems to be out of my control.

"Dad." Meng Fan's voice was calm, with a condensed dominance that couldn't be ignored, so Meng Xingzhi had to look at him seriously, waiting for him to squeeze down.

"Dad, don't look at who I am!" This sentence is already quite overbearing, even Meng Fan never said that before.

Meng Xingzhi looked at him meaningfully and nodded. "I see!" His son has never suffered since he was a child, and he is very confident about this.

Su Yun listened attentively. When she heard the word "daughter-in-law" she couldn't sit still anymore, "Who is Meng Fan's daughter-in-law? Who is Meng Fan's daughter-in-law?" A good girl can never do such a shameful thing.

"Oh! It's the future daughter-in-law." Meng Xingzhi said faintly: "In short, don't interfere with Meng Fan's affairs." How could he not know his wife's small abacus, and let her make up her mind about everything at home. He will try his best to handle the matter when he asks for it.

Only Meng Fan is his bottom line and no one is allowed to interfere.

Even if she wanted to manage Meng Ping's marriage affairs, he could open his eyes and close his eyes. Give her the treatment and face she should enjoy as a wife.

"That can't be known outside..."

"Su Yun." Meng Xingzhi shouted, not loud, but with unquestionable firmness.

"Okay then! You eat first. I have to go back and see my dad today." Su Yun got upstairs to change clothes.

She had faith in Olan, and the entire Northern Military District could never find a better girl than her. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also talented in dancing and has a good family background.

She really wanted Oulan to be her daughter-in-law for the sake of Meng Fan's good. Of course, the daughter-in-law she chose would not have problems with her daughter-in-law in the future. There are people who can help her when something big happens in the family. The husband listens most to Meng Fan's words, and Meng Fan listens to his wife in the future.

Thinking of this, Su Yun was more determined in her heart to want Bai Olan to be her daughter-in-law.

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