Meng Fan’s return to the army was delayed by one day. After calling for leave, he drove to the military academy. After the Lantern Festival, the military academy also opened. As a military student, Ping Qing naturally came to the school first.

He seemed to arouse great attention as soon as he entered the school, from the guard at the gate to most of the students. Everyone was busy greeting him.

Meng Fanjun's beautiful face was as cold as frost, and those who wanted to say hello approached and backed away.

Strange, the young commander seems to be in a bad mood?

Couldn't someone offend him for not having eyes?

"Ping Qing, come out." Meng Fan shouted from the door.

When Ping Qing saw him coming, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly came out and asked, "Why do you have time to come over?" He knew that Meng Fan's army was very busy, and news of promotion had already come out. He should return to the army.

"Is something wrong?"

Facing Ping Qing's concerned eyes, Meng Fan's face flashed uncomfortable, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and asked calmly, "Do you know about Gu Yunbo and Gao Jinglin?"

Ping Qing shook his head, faintly worried, "What's the matter? She really played very well with Gao Jinglin." It made him jealous.

Meng Fan looked at him thoughtfully, and he probably understood the situation in the Ping family. Now Ping Guofei and Ping Qing are not at home, so Zhu Meihua and Ping Simin stopped the news without telling them.

"The two of them kept leaving."

"Together?" Ping Qing said puzzledly: "Before I returned to school, I heard Yunbo said that I was going to my hometown to go to the grave, should I come back soon?" He finished speaking and realized that it was wrong.

"Yunbo went back, why did Gao Jinglin go with him? These two people are really worried."

"I know! It's not missing." Meng Fan didn't say anything else, nodded and turned around, Ping Qing hurriedly followed.

"Thank you battalion commander." His peachy eyes had a warm smile, "Yunbo's affairs have troubled you."

Meng Fan stopped, a slightly deep smile on her lips, "Don't bother."

"It's too bad for you to delay business."

"It's mainly my father's intention. He insists on caring, but I can't help it."

"Huh?" Ping Qing stunned, what did Commander Meng mean? When did Yunbo become so familiar with Commander Meng? However, just before he was dazed, Meng Fan was already out of school, and on the way back to the army, his **** thin lips pressed tightly.

Only three things, this girl is seriously beyond his bottom line, I hope she can bear his punishment.


The news about Gu Yunbo's elopement with Gao Jinglin was raging, among which Ping Simin contributed a lot, because the first time Liu Fen came to find his son, he asked Ping Simin.

She was basking in the sun at the time, and she probably guessed it when she saw a well-dressed woman asking. People in Gao Jinglin's family school almost knew that when Liu Fen started asking, she just made up casually.

Unexpectedly, when Gu Yunbo's door was forcibly opened, he could see a piece of paper on the Table Mountain at a glance. Liu Fen was not as fast as Ping Simin, so he rushed forward and grabbed the letter paper in his hand.

Gao Jinglin was very carefree, and the content of the letter left was very simple, that is, he went out to play with Sister Bo, so don't look for it, he will come back naturally when the time is up.

Because the training was a secret act of two individuals, and he wanted to give the old man a surprise, so he didn't mention a word in the letter.

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