Ping Simin saw this letter, and immediately felt that he had caught the iron proof that Gu Yunbo eloped with someone. He yelled on the spot and shouted, even if Liu Fen had a good temper, his face turned black.

She knew her son, he was just a nasty brat. If he really has the ability to kidnap someone's daughter and run away, she will buy firecrackers and set them back.

No... it was put in Gao Yuejin's office.

Liu Fen reminded Ping Simin not to talk nonsense on the spot, and the two were just hanging out together. But Ping Simin consciously finally grasped Gu Yunbo's handle. After Ken Song, the result was spread within a few days.

And the more you pass it, the more fierce it gets, and the more it passes, the more ugly.

Liu Fen, the head nurse of the hospital, almost died of breath after hearing about it in the unit. On the one hand, she was worried about her son's safety. She had never seen the girl, so she went around to inquire and asked all the people who had party at their house that day, so she was relieved.

Everyone's evaluation is that the character is good, and since the girl is of good character, it is even more important not to let people be blamed.

The rumors are all about attacking girls, and the reputation will be ruined by then. Maybe Jinglin will be responsible?

Liu Fen hurriedly rushed from the unit to the military headquarters, thinking as he walked, and suddenly stopped when he thought of it. Huh...If the girl is good, you can really consider it.

Their family does not have such a high threshold, and she will not look down on people.

Just when she was thinking about whether to go back, there was a shaking sound coming from the corridor, Gao Yuejin's guard hurried out of the office, passing in front of Liu Fen, as if seeing her reborn parents.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, you are here."

"What's the matter? Someone is fighting?" It's impossible to think about it. Who dares to fight in the military? Want to go to a military court?

"Yes... the commander and political commissar."

Liu Fen thought he had misheard, and Meng Xingzhi's self-cultivation had always been very good. He would find it impossible to fight with people, let alone fight.

"Sister-in-law, please go in and take a look!" The guard slipped on the soles of his feet after speaking.

The gods fight, the little ghost suffers, they don't join in the fun. And if he goes, who can he help? Both are chiefs.

In the office, Gao Yuejin and Meng Xingzhi stared at each other with big eyes. After smashing things, the anger finally subsided. Meng Xingzhi picked up the cup at hand and took a sip of tea. After moistening his throat, he said, "Hurry up and get your kid back. Even my daughter-in-law dared to kidnap her.

"Who kidnapped your daughter-in-law? I tell you Meng Xingzhi, don't be okay."

"It's your kid."

"How is it possible? I also said that your daughter-in-law kidnapped my son!" Gao Yuejin was old enough to take care of his shortcomings. In fact, he didn't think so in his heart, but just hurriedly said.

Meng Xingyi's words are too ugly to hear. He, the father, can't even protect the dignity of his son. How can he face his son in the future?

"Gao Yuejin, I'm fighting with you." After speaking, he rushed up.

Gao Yuejin saw that he was actually real, and quickly hid back. He is a political and cultural communist party, and he is no better than Meng Xingzhi's leading soldiers in the war. If he really fights, he will definitely suffer.

Liu Fen stood at the door and watched for a long time, but couldn't stand it anymore and quickly stopped.

"Commander Meng, you are calm and calm."

"Since you're here, sister-in-law, tell me if your boss did something wrong!"

Compared with this, Liu Fen is even more curious about what happened to the daughter-in-law in Meng Xingzhi's mouth.

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