May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 287: Not reconciled

One month later

The border issue that originally attracted the attention of all parties gradually calmed down with the return of the intelligence section and the investigation battalion, as if what happened at the military airport in the early morning a month ago was dazzling.

But the army commander still stayed in the Southern Military Region, but it was a fact.

Shen Yu didn't come back either.

The Intelligence Department gradually calmed down after everyone had been investigated, written reports, recorded credits, and condoned the sacrificed martyrs. Gu Yunbo made a third-class merit for saving Jiang Shaobo.

But Tao Zi was so happy.

"Yunbo, Yunbo let me see what the third-class medal is like." Tao Zi excitedly surrounded her, "Let me see."

"Okay!" Gu Yunbo couldn't help but was urged by her. The precious one took out the medal of merit and gave it to Tao Zi.

"Know, know."

She has no friends in the Intelligence Operations Division, just Tao Zi, a Jiang Shaobo who likes to come to her recently. There is also Xu Kaixuan, who is quite familiar.

She is a person who makes friends, and prefers to look at fate and interest.

Tao Zi watched enviously for a long time, and then carefully put the merit medal back to her. "Sister Bo, we can finally go out, will you go there later?"

They were strictly prohibited from contacting outsiders for the entire month after returning from the Southern Military Region, and they were not allowed to see anyone except the Special Investigation Section. This is a rule and must be accepted by military personnel engaged in intelligence.

They can't see people outside, nor can people outside see them.

"Go home!" I haven't been out for a month, I don't know if Little Xingxing has come back, whether Shen Yu's affairs are over!

In the afternoon, the two had packed their belongings, and they went out of the intelligence department's door with their military-green bags, and found that everyone was looking to the left, and some were still whispering.

Gu Yunbo glanced over, and Meng Fan was standing in front of the jeep talking to a female soldier. She took a closer look and found that it was a white swan.

"Why did the white swan look for your husband?" Tao Zi tugged at her sleeve, "I tell you, this white swan is liked by many people, so you should guard against her."

"I know." Gu Yunbo was very angry, and the consequences were very serious. She stood still and shouted: "Little Xingxing."

The sound was loud and high, and immediately the whole world was quiet. Meng Fan, who was originally facing her sideways, turned her head, with a hint of helplessness and favor on her beautiful face.

Bai Oulan had discovered Gu Yunbo a long time ago, she bit her lip, her face was stubborn and stopped Meng Fan from opening.

"Meng Fan." Her voice was soft and weak, "Can we really not even be friends? I have no other ideas, really! We have known each other for so many years, can't even ordinary friends not be able to do it?"

Her life has been too difficult these days, although Su Yun still values ​​her, but the **** in the art group are all watching her jokes. She had had enough of this, and it was obvious that the best man belonged to her, but was robbed halfway.

That's it, but why don't you even give her a back road?

Without Meng Fan, she wanted to find Shen Yu, even Shen Yu was so to her, what did she do wrong?

She was not reconciled, and she didn't want to be stepped under her feet by Xiang Lan.

"Meng Fan." Bai Olan yelled again, her eyes wrapped around him like weeping.

"I'm sorry!" Meng Fanyun apologized solemnly, "My wife will be upset, and I must also pay attention to my identity, lest it spread out that I am messing with men and women, style issues, etc."

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