Bai Olan's face was pale, she looked at him incredulously, but she didn't expect him to say these things to her. These... are what she wants to do now, her plan.

Start with ordinary friends, then rumors, and finally force the divorce of the two to force Gu Yunbo away. In this way, she can have a chance.

"Meng Fan, your character is obvious to everyone, it is impossible to say that. I... I, Bai Oulan, will not be such a person, let alone do things that affect your family."

Meng Fanqing glanced at her with her eyes, "But I can't bear to feel sorry for my daughter-in-law, or you can ask her?"

"Ask me what?" Gu Yunbo asked with a cold face, standing behind Bai Olan when she was speaking, and she almost ran into Gu Yunbo when she turned her head in shock.

"You...what do you want to do?" Bai Olan yelled in fear, "We are just ordinary friends, really, don't think too much, we are really just ordinary friends."

She looked panicked, it's really hard to keep people from thinking. This is the military department. Although it is strictly for any outsiders to enter, there are too many people coming and going on the mainland outside.

The most terrible thing is that the Propaganda Section is across the road. Maybe everything that happened here was recorded by the other side, and the whole army that could publicize it tomorrow would know.

Is this man a genius? She hasn't had time to say anything! What are you yelling at? Gu Yunbo tried to throw Bai Oulan out, but was blocked by Meng Fan's hand.

"Yunbo." Meng Fan said softly, "Quiet, you can kill her at will." He now has a thorough understanding of his little daughter-in-law.

This girl has no moral restraint. From now on, he must keep an eye on it to prevent her from making an irreparable mistake that day.

Hearing what he said, Bai Olan was taken aback and fell to the ground feebly. She covered her face with her hands, and cried sullenly and sadly.

"Comrade Yunbo, I was wrong, I didn't mean it. We are innocent, please believe me, I am willing to never show up in front of you again. Uuu..."

An army flower that no one knows, the big beauty just fell to the ground, crying heartbroken. But Gu Yunbo and Meng Fan stood in front of her staring at each other, looking indifferent, even the people passing by could not stand it.

Someone boldly came up to help, "Comrade Bai Oulan, are you okay?"

"Woo... Yunbo please believe me! We are really innocent." Bai Olan crying louder and louder, the condemning eyes of people around Gu Yunbo made her feel very happy.

Over the past year, she must retaliate against the pain of being abandoned.

Meng Fan's originally deep and calm eyes suddenly cooled down, with a suffocating sense of oppression, the man who came to help Bai Olan loosened in fright, causing her to fall into a big horse.

"Hahaha..." Gu Yunbo smiled heartlessly, "White Swan, are you addicted to acting? The stage of Qianjin Song and Dance Troupe can't accommodate you anymore, so you have to come to the gate of our Intelligence Operations Division to perform. ?"

Tao Zi immediately followed up and said, "White Swan, what do you think of our intelligence department? Not all cats and dogs can come here to make trouble."

The man who came to help looked embarrassed, "Yes... I'm sorry." After apologizing to Meng Fan, he walked away desperately.

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