May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 289: court death

"Yunbo go home!" Meng Fan bypassed Gu Yunbo on the ground and got into the driver's seat first.

Gu Yunbo walked up to Bai Oulan, looked at her condescendingly, and kicked him with the undisguised murderous in his eyes.

"Ah!" The sharp shout came out really, but no one was paying attention anymore.

Gu Yunbo kicked Bai Olan's **** with this kick, exerting a great effort, and her crying was heart-piercing. Just when she wanted to speak, Gu Yunbo raised her foot again. Scared, she hurriedly shut up.

"This is honest." Gu Yunbo twitched the corner of his mouth, his eyes colder, "This kick is considered light. If you dare to be honest, I will kill you."

The words are cold and serious, and the look in Bai Olan's eyes is the same as that of a dead person. She doesn't care about the **** reputation. Bai Olan wants to discredit her as long as she can guarantee that the words will not be killed by her.

"I found that you are very fond of finding death." She said mockingly: "I haven't troubled you yet. You came to trouble me anyway. You think your life is too long, come and find death?"

There is also Bai Olan on her revenge list. The two brothers of the Shen family came to clean up her when she had planned to solve it, but she came to the door by herself.

"No..." Bai Olan lay down on the ground, her leg backward in fear, her face pale in fright. She saw that Gu Yunbo really wanted to kill her, and she dared to kill.

She couldn't help but made a nausea and vomiting motion. As Gu Yunbo approached, her nose was full of blood. Her brain was blank, and deep fear and regret completely surrounded her.

"Humph! You are always waiting for me to find you." Gu Yunbo dropped a word and opened the door of the co-pilot.

Meng Fan has been waiting for her quietly, watching her get in the car and nodding for her and Tao Zi, then start, step on the accelerator and leave.

Until the car disappeared, Bai Olan limp on the ground like a puddle of mud, unable to stand up.

Tao Zi took a sip and turned to leave. Other onlookers put away their indifferent eyes. In fact, the big guy knows Bai Olan's tricks, if she goes to perform at the gate of other troops, those stunners will definitely be fooled.

But here is the Intelligence Warfare Section, which specializes in intrigues with people. This method is often used by them when performing tasks and routine training.

Fools will be fooled.

And she used the young commander to make a raft, is her brain flooded?

"Are you okay?" People from the other propaganda department crowded around and helped Bai Olan up. A kind-hearted person persuaded: "Oh! Haven't you heard? The young commander loves his wife very much. What you say will make the young commander unhappy."

"How can you pour dirty water on the young commander?" There are more female soldiers in the Propaganda Division than in the Intelligence Division, and now they are all looking at Bai Olan.

"Don't think we can't hear it."

"Humph! You said that others might still believe us, but what you said involves the young commander."

"You are too much."

Bai Oulan is a dumb person who eats Coptis chinensis, and there is hardship to tell. Her whole hips are now swollen, and she can't stand still. She is embarrassed to speak out in such a private part, and her entire face is blushed.

Some **** men saw Gu Yunbo kick her, but people outside knew that Gu Yunbo's kick was so powerful. Just talking about a light foot, at most it hurts, now seeing her look like she is fainting, the original appreciation has also become dislike.

too exaggerated.

So, are the folks in the Arts and Dance Troupe very good at acting and deceiving people?

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