May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 291: Really sensible

He glanced at her irritably, "How do you want to stimulate? A dozen leaders personally have not been enough to stimulate?" This month was far from superficial peace for him.

The violent anger of the old head Shen and the handling of Shen Ming and Shen Yu left a lot of shock in the hearts of many people.

"That's true, you didn't know that after we were urged to get off the plane, when we saw so many chiefs standing in front of us, it was frightened to death." She can still think of how wonderful the expressions on the scene are. If you hadn't witnessed it with your own eyes and participated in it personally, who would have thought that it would be calm, but the undercurrent surging inside.

"Your courage will be scared to death?" He was scared to death by her.

"Hey..." Okay! She admitted that she was exaggerating, but she was really taken aback. But Xiaoxing didn't want her to know, so she wouldn't say hello.

"Shall we go there?"

"I'll buy you clothes. You don't have any clothes in the spring. I heard that there is a very good clothing store in the city, so I will show you."

There is no woman who doesn't like buying clothes, and Gu Yunbo is no exception. Especially Meng Fan went with her personally. She was very happy. When she went to the clothing store, she took the initiative to hold Meng Fan's arm.

The man with a cold expression turned his head uncomfortably because of her movements, but he was not willing to push her away.

"Let's go!"


The clothing store is right next to the supply and marketing cooperative. It is said to be state-owned. From the perspective of the end of the 1970s, the scale is pretty good! A table made of stones. There are a lot of clothes hung on wooden hangers on the back wall. They are all common work clothes in this era, such as good gowns and cotton trousers.

However, in the most conspicuous position, there is a whole row of sweaters with different styles and textures.

There are not many people in the store except for two sales assistants and only three customers. As soon as Meng Fan and Gu Yunbo came in, they attracted the attention of three customers. Both of them were wearing military uniforms, and Gu Yunbo's clothes were loose, and at first glance they looked like soldiers.

But Meng Fan was different. The straight military uniform was worn on him, as if he couldn't find a fold. The brim of the military hat on his head is a little low, and people can only see the half of his face left outside with his head down.

The chin is perfectly lined and the skin is white as jade. If it weren't for his tall, slender and powerful figure, he might think he was a woman. No... Even women don't have such good skin.

Meng Fan turned a blind eye, his expression calm. It was because Gu Yunbo was embarrassed to stop being watched. This was the first time someone was watching with this kind of attention and eager eyes. Tsk tusk tusk... it is really long, but it has advantages.

"Hello, can you show me the sweater in the middle?"

The salesperson rushed over, "Comrade, this is a cashmere sweater from Ordos, which is just right to wear now in the spring."

Meng Fan didn't answer. After trying the feel, he chose a lotus root pink, a refreshing smoky gray. "Just these two!"

"Comrade, do you buy it for your daughter-in-law?" The sales clerk was a middle-aged eldest sister looking at the hands of the two together with a look of envy.

"Yeah!" Meng Fan turned her head and glanced at Yunbo, and found that she had been keeping her head down, and the smile on her lips could not help but deepen. His wife! Although she has a thick skin, she is still just a little girl! I'm embarrassed, I get angry, but I never give him a little temper.

Really sensible.

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