May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 292: buying clothes

"Do you try it for your wife?"

"No, I know her number."

In this age, the status of men in the family is very high. Few men will take the initiative to buy clothes for their daughter-in-law. The better thing is to give money and let the daughter-in-law buy it by herself.

There is absolutely no man like Meng Fan who even knows the size of his wife.

"You... how did you know?" Gu Yunbo asked in surprise.

Meng Fan leaned into her ear and whispered, "I have touched it so many times, of course I know." He bought her clothes for the past two years, and it was not appropriate at first. Later, after she entered the city, there was no inappropriate situation when she bought it again.

Gu Yunbo's face flushed uncontrollably.

The people who have been secretly observing the surroundings, although they didn't hear what he said, but they looked at the closeness of the two people, but they were not light.

After paying the money, Gu Yunbo took Meng Fan and left, complaining when he got outside, "Little Xingxing, you can't always make me want to commit a crime."

"Is there? Why don't I know?" He asked amusedly, "I am a very upright person and you are not allowed to commit crimes!"

"Is it a crime to indecent soldiers in the street?"

Meng Fan's handsome cheeks were stained with a layer of crimson, "Cough cough cough... count! Go home doesn't count!"

"Then let's go home!"

"..." This girl, shouldn't he take the initiative, he can't wait? "Let’s eat first! Ping Ping waited for us at the opposite state-owned restaurant. After dinner and buying vegetables, we will go back."

"it is good!"

In the state-run hotel, Meng Ping asked for the only box alone, knocked his thigh on both legs, and sat with his arms stretched out. There were already many dishes on the table in front of him, and the little fat man scratched his head anxiously.

"Boss, why isn't the young commander coming?"

"I don't know either! My brother usually says what time is what time, and he is rarely late."

"It will be cold if we don't come, or let's start first?" Meng Ping knocked him hard and quickly withdrew his hand.

"My brother doesn't come, do you want to start?" Meng Ping said grumpily, "Today I invited my sister-in-law to dinner. Do you think it was for you? You are at best to accompany you."

He shook his leg unscrupulously, and said distressedly: "My brother asked me to go to the military academy, what do you say?"

"You won't go if you don't want to go?" Little Fatty didn't want to go anyway. He was an idiot when he was studying. The school closed a few years ago and he forgot all the knowledge he had learned. If I go to study now, I can't study, and my heart is gone.

"Is it possible?" Meng Ping stopped shaking his legs and tried to find a way with one hand on his chin. During this time, the old man and his eldest brother were very busy. They didn’t go home for more than a month.

"Have you heard? Boss." The little fat man's eyes murmured and turned, his smile was thief.

"What did you hear?"

"Your brother!" He touched Meng Ping with his elbow as he said, hehe he was silly of himself, "I heard that your brother loves his wife very much, and he takes care of his shortcomings. And he is also a little bit afraid."

Meng Ping slapped on the table, "Nonsense, how can my brother be afraid?"

"But your sister-in-law is not an ordinary person! I have heard that she was specially recruited into the army, and she is a master of one in a million who can get this place, and she is still the first. Not only that, she just entered the intelligence war Ke broke one leg and one arm on the first day. The fighting power was amazing, and I was scared anyway."

Such a powerful woman, the young commander dared to marry, and no one knew how to die with another man.

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