May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 293: have a meal together

"Really?" Meng Ping had only met Gu Yunbo in a hurry after returning from the Northwest Military Region. At that time, because Su Yun spoke badly, her eldest brother was angry.

Later, the eldest brother came back even less. He went to the old military area to play a few times and never saw his sister-in-law. In other words, the intelligence department where the sister-in-law is in is indeed much stricter than other units.

"Is the Intelligence Operations Division very good?"

The little fat man raised his chin and said triumphantly: "Boss, you should really listen to your brother and train in the army. I don't even know this. The Intelligence Operations Division is no less than the reconnaissance battalion, and there are more soldiers than reconnaissance. Soldiers are much more cunning." He said, making a gesture, and said mysteriously: "If this is put in the war years, they will be underground workers, understand?"

"It turns out to be so amazing!" Meng Ping exclaimed, "I originally thought that my sister-in-law was not good enough for my brother!"

The fat man rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, yes...your brother, Tianzi and national beauty, ordinary mortals can match."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the box was pushed open, "Little Fatty, what are you talking about me?" Meng Fan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, no... I didn't say anything, I swear." The little fat man stood up quickly, "Big brother, sister-in-law, please sit down quickly, please take a seat." Don't mention your attitude.

Hahaha...Tianzi and national beauty, you can really say it. Gu Yunbo worked hard to endure a smile, and she would not expose it because the little fat man called her sister-in-law.

"Ahem... Yunbo, what are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, I didn't laugh!"

Meng Fan helped her pull the chair first. After she sat down, she hung the bag she was carrying on the back of the chair.

Meng Ping was dumbfounded. Although his brother had been very polite since he was a child, he had never been so courteous to anyone. Even the old man who was nicknamed his son's slave has never enjoyed this treatment! I don’t know if he goes back and tells the old man, will he treat people’s high blood pressure, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.?

I will shout, heartache, right?

The little fat man kept winking at Meng Ping, the meaning was written on his face. ‘Look, I’m not wrong! Don't elder brother loves his wife, not only loves his wife, but also fears his wife. ’

"Why do you two wink your eyebrows?" Gu Yunbo asked amusedly: "Is this a fat guy? It has a future with mediocrity." It's hard to imagine that the cynical dude will become the overlord of the business world in the future.

When the little fat man heard it, he couldn't see his eyebrows with joy. "Sister-in-law, you really have a vision, my boss has an unlimited future." No one would let him fool around with Meng Ping, but he just likes to play with the boss.

"Indeed." She nodded seriously, and was knocked by Meng Fan's fingers.

"What nonsense? It's serious to let Pingping take the college entrance examination first." Meng Fan said this, more elder than Meng Xingzhi, looking at Meng Ping with a serious expression. "You don't want to join the army. We don't force you. Anyway, it's enough to have me in the army. But if you don't even take a college entrance examination, you absolutely can't. I won't agree."

Meng Ping has been spoiled for the character of the Demon King since he was a child, and the old man of the Meng family took half the credit. The other half of the credit belongs to Meng Fan. From an early age, Meng Ping caused troubles because of Meng Fan. As he grows older, Meng Fan's ability gets bigger and he starts to clean up his mess.

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