"Big brother, I don't want to study."

"You must read." It is difficult for Meng Fan to show such a tough attitude, with a cold face and a strong aura. Even Gu Yunbo was so frightened that he did not dare to speak, and acted honestly.

"If you don't join the army, how will you live without studying?"

"Didn't I have you?" If someone else talked to Meng Ping, he would have raised the table. But the person who reprimanded him was the eldest brother, and Meng Ping had to admit it.

"I can only raise my daughter-in-law in the future, and you will also raise your daughter-in-law in the future."

Gu Yunbo groaned, and subconsciously followed up, "There are so many ordinary women, at least you have to be a billionaire to raise so many women."

As a result, Meng Fan's face was successfully black.

"Hahaha..." Meng Ping stunned, then laughed triumphantly, and then leaned forward and back together. "Sister-in-law, you are so right, hahaha...Why do you know me so well, sister-in-law?"

Tsk tusk tusk... This thick-skinned man is comparable to a city wall. "Aren't all scumbags like this?"

"Scumbag?" Although Meng Ping didn't understand what the scumbag meant, it wasn't a compliment to people.

"Yes! A scumbag is just playing with women's feelings at will. I like this today and I like that tomorrow. Anyway, he is not a good man." She added kindly, holding chopsticks in her hand and hesitating to eat braised fish first! Or should we eat pork stewed vermicelli first?

"Huh?" The little fat man was surprised: "Sister-in-law's description is right! The boss is a scumbag."

"Are you looking for a fight?"

"Dare not dare."

Gu Yunbo decided to teach Meng Ping for the sake of little star. "Pingping, beatings are not like that. If someone offends you in the future, you shouldn't ask him if he is looking for a beating. You should fight first and then talk about it. No matter if it's three or seventy-one, it's dead. Is he looking for a fight."

One is shameless, one is not offline, plus today is outside, unlike last time at home where Meng Xingzhi and Su Yun were watching by the side, it was not easy to play.

Gu Yunbo and Meng Ping quickly became good brothers, embarrassed, and hated to meet each other late. Compared to fighting, Gu Yunbo has something to say. With all kinds of experience, the little fat man and Meng Ping were dumbfounded.

Meng Ping also taught how to play tricks and count people. The two sides had in-depth exchanges, and the talks were happier, and they also got a bottle of Erguotou to drink. No matter how they persuaded others, they couldn't persuade them, as if they were sorry for their brotherhood without a drink.

Waiting for a meal, if it weren't for Meng Fanlen's face, he would have almost knelt down on the spot and bowed to his hand.

Meng Fan spoke very little throughout the whole process, and silently served Gu Yunbo while eating. Seeing her getting along well with her brother, a proud smile rose on her lips.

One is the person he likes, and the other is the person he cares about. He can get along well, and he is very satisfied.

"Goodbye in peace."

"Sister-in-law go slowly."

"Remember to go and play with me! I will teach you Sanda, and I will definitely let you fight invincible all over the compound in the future."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will play with you every day. Do you like watching movies? I can invite you! And clothes. By the way, I know that a scarf is popular recently, and many lesbians like it."

Meng Fan couldn't listen to it and kicked Meng Ping over, "Okay, it's enough."

Meng Ping made a face.

Gu Yunbo was dissatisfied, "Little Xingxing, what are you doing? This is my brother, how can you do it casually?" A cup of Erguotou is bold enough.

Don't be afraid to call the little star publicly.

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