May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 301: contradiction

Gu Yunbo bit his lip and thought for a while and said, "I said, no one in the world can say that you are wrong, and neither can I!" This is the man she loves so much that he is crazy willing to give his life for it.

So she does not allow anyone to dare to say a word.

Meng Fan held her shoulders at once, bent over to look at her, and the noses of the two of them were close together. "Look at me." He was shocked, with a serious tone.

Gu Yunbo looked at him honestly.

"Gu Yunbo, remember, I'm just your husband. I'm an ordinary man. I'm not a young commander, a future star, or any big man." He wanted to pry her head open to see what was going on inside. , The arm was hard and even wanted to rub her into her body.

"So you put away the inexplicable humbleness in your heart, guard. I don't need you to guard, I should guard you." He paused, and said in a more serious tone: "No more in the future, otherwise... You wait for me."

Gu Yunbo looked at him in surprise, his mind went blank. So... he knows it? But how could she let go of such a terrible fate in the future?

He was her two lifetime dedication, how could she let it go.

"You are not right back!" Meng Fan let go and walked towards home alone. It is false to say that he is not sad. As a husband, a man, he does more than anyone.

But in the eyes of his wife, he does not belong to her alone!


When Gu Yunbo left the compound, he happened to meet Chen Yingjie, who was also going to the army, at the door. The two made a company. On the way, Gu Yunbo didn't speak, and the atmosphere was dull.

Chen Yingjie looked at her many times in secret, but Gu Yunbo couldn't stand it before she asked, "Do you have anything you want to tell me?"

"I just think you seem to be in a bad mood and want to persuade you." Chen Yingjie touched his head, very embarrassed.

Gu Yunbo whispered to himself, is it possible that the whole compound knew about the unpleasant things she had with Little Xingxing? The speed of this spread is also terrible. Where is the military compound? It's the Propaganda Department.

"Say it! I listen."

"That's... when you were in southern Xinjiang, don't think about it, our battalion commander only has you in his heart." Chen Yingjie said hesitated, and Gu Yunbo didn't care about listening at all, and all he thought was what Meng Fan said. After hearing Chen Yingjie mentioned Nanjiang, he immediately turned his head and looked at him sharply.

"Say." The voice was cold and serious.

"It's an ugly woman deliberately, don't take it to heart."

"Ugly woman?"

"Ah? Don't you know?" Chen Yingjie subconsciously covered his mouth before realizing that he might have caused a major disaster. It's over, the battalion commander just needs to say something to the living king, and he will die miserably!

Gu Yunbo sneered, "Hmm, I didn't know before, but I know now." When she said, she didn't forget to wipe her neck.

"Then I can't say that we have organizational rules. If I make a mistake, I will be unlucky."

"If you don't say it, you will be unlucky now. Two choose one at random."

Chen Yingjie was crying, and said the matter in a panic. "It was our investigation battalion who chased and killed that group of mercenaries in southern Xinjiang, and confronted the other's leader. That ugly woman was too shameless, and when she saw our battalion commander, she said...just..."

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