"Just say what?" Gu Yunbo was so anxious that she already knew what Chen Yingjie was talking about the ugly woman. Craig, the eldest lady of the Owl Organization, at first glance she wanted to kill the enemy who was quick afterwards.

"Just say she fell in love... fell in love with our battalion commander." Chen Yingjie's face flushed and she couldn't be shy. "Also... and said that our battalion commander will definitely become her man."

Gu Yunbo's fists were tightly clenched, and his whole body stretched into a straight line, like a cheetah ready to go to pieces at any time.

Chen Yingjie secretly cried out, that ugly woman is not simple, and the battalion commander's wife is not simple! He suddenly started to look forward to what it would be like to meet these two people. No... the two of them have already met and the battle is fierce.

Traces of fighting and mine explosions at the scene are still vivid!

"Sister-in-law, I will always support you." Chen Yingjie did not forget to show his loyalty. "So many women who like our battalion commander, that ugly woman is the most shameless and delusional. I don't look at what virtue she is. Mercenaries with blood in their hands are not worthy of carrying shoes to our battalion commander for doing all the bad things."

"I will definitely cut her a thousand times." Gu Yunbo raised his fist and swore every word.

"..." Good deed, are all women so scary now? According to him, where is the top half of the sky, the whole sky can be topped down. The sister-in-law should not do information, she should go to the women's organization.

"Does everyone in your investigation camp know this?"

"Yeah! Everyone knows it now! That ugly woman was shot by our battalion commander and was later rescued."

"Your battalion commander wants you to seal it?"

"This...I don't know about this." It would be better for him to say a few words less.

"Huh!" This time, she was really angry. Little Xingxing dare to hide her from her, just wait! If Chen Yingjie hadn't accidentally said it today, she wouldn't know that she still had such an annoying rival in love.

The man who dared to rob her of Gu Yunbo was ready to die.


After waving goodbye to Chen Yingjie at the fork in the road, Gu Yunbo came to the Intelligence Operations Section. In the past, Xiaoxingxing drove her to drive her, this is the first time to walk here by himself!

As soon as I entered, I was surprised when I met someone I knew how to come, didn't she ask for leave?

After Jiang Shaobo finished training, he was surprised when he saw her and asked: "Didn't you transfer away?"

"Do you know it too?"

Jiang Shaobo nodded, "I really don't want you to leave. Shen Yu has already left. If you leave, our intelligence operations department will lose heart." Without Shen Yu, there is no way to support the intelligence operations department. .

He still knows how many catties he weighs.

"You said Shen Yu is gone?"

"Didn't Meng Fan tell you?"

"No!" Gu Yunbo shook his head honestly.

There was a hint of deep meaning in Jiang Shaobo's eyes, and it seemed that Meng Fan really protected her very well. "Shen Yu has been suspended for investigation! He won't be back in the short term."

He sighed, "I went to the Shen's house yesterday to find him, but none of them saw him. I heard that he was taken away by the head of Shen. It is not certain what will happen in the future!"

"He is so stupid, he should be rebuilt." Shen Yu is not in the Intelligence Operations Division, so he would not have the opportunity to participate in the Southern Xinjiang War that occurred more than half a year later, and he wanted to harm Xiaoxing.

"..." Why is this person's mouth so poisonous? Can't you say something nice? She knows how heavy this punishment is for Shen Yu? Maybe the future of a lifetime is ruined.

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