"Okay, you can go back!" Gu Yunbo stopped and said to Xu Kaixuan: "I should go to the military academy to report first, and I can see it at any time in the future." She also has to learn more knowledge to better face the next step. Of death.

The danger of Shen Yu and Shen Ming is eliminated, but it does not mean that there are no other dangers. Especially that Craig, she has to investigate carefully.

"But we haven't been able to fight side by side yet!"

"If there is a chance, there will be a chance soon."


"What do you mean by your mother-in-law?" Gu Yunbo waved his hand unhappily, "Hurry up, don't bother me here, a big man is too boring."

"..." Xu Kaixuan's face rose to the color of pig liver.

Jiang Shaobo smiled and gloated. He had already said that Gu Yunbo had no conscience and made you want to thank you without a chance.


In the afternoon, Meng Ping, who was idling everywhere, came. Yesterday, after waking up from alcohol, the little fat man explained how he met his sister-in-law and how he wanted to be a brother-in-law, and he was shocked in a cold sweat.

He... will this make Big Brother angry? The eldest brother loves his wife so much, he will definitely be jealous. The men of the Meng family are careful, and he knows better than anyone else. After thinking about it in my heart, I will apologize quickly.

"Huh? Why isn't my sister-in-law?" As soon as he entered the door, Meng Ping found that only his eldest brother was at home, sitting in front of the living room window thinking. As soon as he said something, he wanted to slap himself.

Those who knew he came to apologize, but those who didn't know thought he was chasing after him and wanted to worship his sister-in-law!

"Return to the army." Meng Fan returned to his senses and asked him to sit down by himself.

"Aren't you going to be transferred from the Intelligence Division, and go back to the military academy first?" He had heard that the sister-in-law was admitted to the military academy by her ability! The school there has been waiting for her to report.

"The decision is in her hands." Meng Fanjun's jade-like face had no expression, and her cold star-like eyes were gloomy.

Meng Ping was taken aback when he saw it. He hurriedly sat across from Meng Fan and carefully observed his expression. "Brother, are you really angry?"


Meng Ping became anxious as soon as he heard it, "Big brother, don't be angry! I shouldn't have been fooling around last night, and sister-in-law didn't intend to protect me."

"What are you talking about?" Meng Fan raised his hand and knocked on Meng Ping. "What messed up my mind at ordinary times? Isn't it enough to throw into the water? The wine hasn't woken up yet!"

Meng Ping smiled triumphantly, "If you don’t think about anything, you just don’t have to be angry, brother. Since I didn’t make you angry, then it must be someone else. Tell me, I’ll help you get revenge, who ate the bear heart leopard Daring dare to provoke you and see if I won't cut him to death."

"Your sister-in-law."

"...Big brother, this joke is not funny at all." Meng Ping felt that he was very hard, so why did he want to be a bull with nothing! From childhood to most of his troubles, elder brother helped him clean up the mess and help him cut people.

He hasn't helped Big Brother once! Alas... I just lost my chance of performance.

"Pingping, how do you get along with your partner? How do they treat you? How do they treat you?" Meng Fan asked seriously. He thought for a long time, and his heart hurts, but he still couldn't help Yunbo.

"..." Brother, if you don't use the word'them', we are still good brothers. "Being obedient is obedient, just being careful and playing tricks, like making trouble without reason."

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