"Then what if you do something they don't like? For example, help her make a decision that she doesn't like without their consent."

"...That would definitely explode! Don't bother me." Meng Ping thought about it, and felt a headache when many subjects came to the door. Even the eldest brother knows that he is a scumbag. Will he constrain a little in the future?

"Oh!" Meng Fan's voice was much lower.

"What's the matter, big brother? Is there really a conflict with the sister-in-law? It shouldn't be! A woman who has such a deep sense of righteousness and loyalty shouldn't make trouble unreasonably."

"I didn't notify her, I directly transferred her from the Intelligence Operations Section."

"Then you are not doing the right thing, it's normal for my sister-in-law to be angry!" Meng Ping felt that he had never been so understanding of the righteousness since he was a child, and he had never helped the kiss.

"Even though she didn't like my actions deep down, she was not angry and didn't let me apologize."

"Huh?" Meng Ping was dumbfounded, what does this mean? Why is it completely different from what he expected? "why?"

"She said that I was not wrong, and I will never be wrong. No one in the world is qualified to say my fault." Meng Fan's heart became more and more disturbed as he thought about it. His instincts had always been accurate, so he was very afraid of Yunbo. Abnormal.

If he could, he didn't even want Yunbo to continue serving as a soldier. Just keep guarding him, follow him, the two have a child, maybe he will feel more secure.

Meng Ping's star eyes barely held his face with both hands, "Sister Bo is really too domineering and mighty!"

Meng Fanbai glanced at him and got up from his seat, too lazy to talk to Meng Ping. In his mind, he is still a child, and his ideas are not mature enough. No normal big man would want to be treated like this by his beloved woman.

"Go! I'll send you to the investigation camp."

"Where are you going?" Meng Pingchao shrank back a little, resisting: "I'm not going."

"Must go!" Meng Fan's face sank, his eyes sharp and indisputable, "Meng Ping, I don't want to repeat it."

Whenever he called Meng Ping's full name, he said he was angry and the consequences were serious. "Okay! Just go."

The brothers went out, Meng Fan locked the door and drove, Meng Ping reluctantly got in the car. On the way to the investigation camp, I still didn't forget to complain, "Brother, are you so unreasonable to your sister-in-law?"

"Haha..." Meng Fan sneered, "You have the courage."

"That is, my courage is commendable..."

Meng Fan interrupted, "Dare to say that I am unreasonable, you are still the first." He asked himself that he was very reasonable. Ping Ping, this stinky boy is too much, he has helped him settle if he doesn't want to be a soldier. It is absolutely impossible not to accept exercise.

"Just like you, go out and say that it's my Meng Fan's younger brother, don't you think you are the one who has lost me?" He asked seriously, completely seeing the slightest irony.

Meng Ping was asked for a moment, and smirked embarrassingly. Ha ha ha... It seems that someone mentioned that he is the younger brother of the young commander, and his face is really incredible. Thinking back, it turned out that he lost his eldest brother!

When they arrived at the investigation camp, the people who passed by from entering the gate greeted and saluted Meng Fan solemnly, and Meng Ping was envious of them.

"battalion commander."

"Good battalion commander."

"Hey, aren't you on vacation? Why are you here again?" Xu Qigang asked in surprise when he saw Meng Fan, "You don't seem to be in a good mood!"

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