May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 307: Be targeted

"Sure enough, just like the legend, the young man has a grumpy temper!"

Gu Yunbo looked at the other party up and down, the impatience in his eyes became more obvious. Going directly over the opponent, Ye Xing wanted to stop him but she suddenly made a move. While Ye Xing was avoiding, she flipped her wrist on her knees and threw the person to the ground at a speed that could not cover her ears.

He didn't show any mercy, stepped over Ye Xing and walked away.

Ye Xing snorted and slowly stood up from the ground. "Sorry!" He bowed his head and apologized to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man didn't say anything and waved his hand. He looked at Gu Yunbo's leaving back and smiled with interest, "It's a good seed! Is it true that the greater the ability, the greater the temper? Interesting."

"Captain?" Another man who had not spoken raised his eyebrows and called out.

"That's her."

"Humph!" The man snorted coldly, not speaking later.

Ye Xing's face was the most ugly. He lowered his head and felt pain all over his body. I knew I was not Gu Yunbo's opponent for a long time, but I didn't expect that he couldn't even catch a single move. This made him feel very frustrated, thinking that he would live in the shadow of Gu Yunbo in the future, and he wanted to return to the investigation camp immediately.

The middle-aged man touched his chin and said anxiously: "It's a bit troublesome to ask someone to come over!"

"What's the problem? Is there anyone who can refuse us?" The man had an arrogant expression and his eyes were even more unruly.

The middle-aged man turned his head to look at Ye Xing, and said with a smile, "Ye Xing, tell Xin Yue about it."

"Yes! Captain." Ye Xing's face was solemn, but he kept complaining in his heart, thinking that he was a famous soldier before he was specially recruited. Ann suffered this crime, and his self-esteem has been wiped to the ground since the special recruit entered the investigation camp. The most proud military quality and ability became vulnerable, and only then discovered how narrow his vision was before, and the scouts really deserve the title of the strongest soldier king.

But now that he was transferred from the investigation camp to the current place, he knew that he was too naive before.

"Gu Yunbo has an unruly personality and is a stingy person. She is not an easy person to obey orders. In addition, her background should not be underestimated. If you want to transfer her, you must pass the Meng family hurdle."

"Who is the Meng family?" Xin Yue said with a cold face and impatiently: "Is it so powerful?"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man smiled briskly, obviously not putting the trouble Ye Xing said in his heart. He has this self-confidence, as long as he is the talent he wants, he can definitely get it.


Gu Yunbo kept entering the gate of the military headquarters, hiding in the shadows before secretly turning around to observe the three people who appeared inexplicably. My intuition told her that the person who came was not good! The attitude is so arrogant, it seems that the background is not small.

She frowned, the feeling of being secretly on the ground made her unhappy. Ye Xing should be in the investigation camp, but the man who took the lead was definitely not from the investigation camp. He looked more like a secret job. She thought of the US FBI. Then he smiled coldly, and suddenly understood why Little Xingxing had been overbearing and transferred her from the Intelligence Operations Division without her permission.

Don't you want her to be targeted?

After watching the three people leave, she turned around and went to the Organization Department to submit her transfer procedures. The people inside had already heard of her name, and the formalities were handled quickly, but in the end they got stuck on her stay.

"Comrade Gu Yunbo, we still need to discuss with you about your stay."

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