"Why?" she asked puzzled.

"Because I want a lot of your chiefs! I dare to make decisions casually." The other party said enviously: "So you can wait for the news with ease. No matter where you go, it is the best place to go. Don't worry at all."

"I'm not worried." She pursed her lips, and finally made a decision, "Do you know about my admission to the military academy?"

"Of course I know, high score admission! Comrade Gu is very good, and I heard that your English level is also very good. Our army lacks excellent talents like you." The talents of the entire Northern Military Region were not found. A few people with little English.

When he first heard about this, he was also taken aback. Generally, those who are good at these will have special department preferential treatment.

"I heard that there is special care for military academies in the army. I want to go back to the military academy to study and hope that the Organization Department can agree." She thought about it, but Xiaoxingxing's decision was right.

In the army, her freedom and movement were greatly restricted. The trip to Nanjiang this time is a stark example. In the end, if Jiang Shaobo hadn't been transferred to the hospital, she wouldn't even have the chance to follow her.

After taking this lesson, she decided to enter the military school. After entering the military academy, no one should want to completely restrict her freedom.

"Huh? Are you going to military school?"

"Yes, I want to learn more knowledge and serve the country better."

"Your idea is good! Let's go! I will report to my superiors, during this period you will wait for notice."

"Thank you so much, then."

"You're welcome, go slowly."

Gu Yunbo came out of the organization department and heaved a sigh of relief. He turned around and wanted to go home. Little Xing Xing got angry in the morning, I don't know if the anger is gone now. She lowered her eyes and thought, thinking carefully about the conflict between the two in the morning. The more she thought about it, the more sad she felt.

After all, she was too careful.

Little Xingxing has noticed it, so Little Xingxing is not happy! She also found that she was a little too sensitive, but she was just afraid! She was too scared, afraid that the danger of the previous life would reappear.

"Gu Warrior."

"Gu Warrior, Comrade Gu."

"Sergeant Gu Yunbo, wait, don't leave! Wait for me."

The shouts behind her became louder and louder, and she kept shouting her name before she noticed. Looking back, I saw Meng Xingzhi's guard running toward her.

"Hello, is there something wrong?"

"The chief asked you to go to his office."

"Yes!" Gu Yunbo restrained his mind, saluted the military sternly, and straightened the military cap on his head, following Zhang Yong all the way to the central administrative building of the military headquarters.

"Reporting chief, Sergeant Gu Yunbo is here."

"Come in." Meng Xingzhi's voice sounded inside. Zhang Yong helped Gu Yunbo open the door, smiled at her and walked back.

Gu Yunbo walked in with his head up and his chest straight, raising his hand to be a standard military salute. Meng Xing couldn't help but nodded, with a gentle smile.

"sit down!"

"Thank you Chief."

"Don't call my chief in private." Meng Xingzhi personally got up and took out his good tea collection from the cupboard and poured her a cup of tea. "Taste it, this is my good tea collection, Meng Fandu It's no good!"

Gu Yunbo laughed out loud, took a sip from the cup obediently, and nodded. "It's really delicious!" Looking at the green tea in the cup, the buds are small and tender.

"This is Huoshan Huangya?"

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