Gu Yunbo thought about it carefully in his heart. Although Craig was indeed disgusting, he was not bad in length and in good shape. When she worked with men for so long when she was at the United States Military Academy at West Point, she still knew the virtues of men.

They are all **** ruffians, don't give them to your door for nothing.

Of course she knew the character of Xiaoxingxing, and she would definitely not do such a thing, but what if she had such an idea in her heart? Even if it was just a little thought, she would never allow it.

Gu Yunbo was like an angry lion, his white and glamorous face turned crimson because of his anger, and his eyes were so beautiful that they were shining. Meng Fan stole a kiss and said with a smile, "No! Never."

He explained seriously, "I knew I remembered shooting her, but I fell down and was rescued by someone under my hand. It's a pity, I almost killed her."

Gu Yunbo's mouth widened in surprise, " you almost killed her?"

"Yeah! It's a pity that if that person keeps it is a future problem. She has suffered such a big loss, and if she doesn't die, she will definitely come back for revenge." Speaking of this, Meng Fan's eyes became more solemn.

After performing so many tasks, he rarely missed. This time was considered the biggest accident. Those mercenaries were indeed different from the previous ones, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Gu Yunbo's heart was as sweet as drinking honey, and he stopped glaring, "Good job! Come on. Next time I see her, our husband and wife will combine their swords and kill her."

"Okay!" He rubbed her head and said spoilingly: "I know she almost killed you, don't worry! If I meet again next time, I will definitely help you get revenge."


United States, West Coast

This is the base camp of the owl organization, and it occupies a large private dock. Not only mercenaries but also politicians, wealthy businessmen and so on come in and out.

The Xiao Organization is currently one of the three largest mercenary organizations in the world, and because of the ambitions of its leaders, it has a faint tendency to occupy the first place. Because there are people in hand, guns and money, the business under it is getting bigger and bigger.

Usually some small transactions are simply too lazy to deal with, the last three years have been all large transactions.

Among the mercenaries that can be called a big deal, there is only war.

Whether it is mercenaries, capitalists, politicians, or arms dealers. Only war is the most profitable and profitable.

Whether it wins or loses, the Xiao organization is profitable. Because of their notoriety and madness, owlet organizations have become a thorn in the flesh of many countries in recent years, and they want to get things done quickly.

The base camp is tightly guarded, with outposts, hidden piles, and bodyguards every five meters, making those who step into it terrified, and they can hardly even walk.

"Hurry up, believe it or not, I shot you?"

The white man carrying the medicine kit apologized tremblingly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He walked much faster under his feet.

A group of people came to a villa, the floor was covered with scarlet velvet carpet, the heavy door was pushed open, and it was filled with the smell of blood and disinfectant.

A tall figure stands in front of the window with his hands behind his back.

"Chief, the best doctor has been brought."

The man behind his hands turned abruptly, his sharp, knife-like eyes fell on the white man, and he was startled by sweat.

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