The man behind his hands turned abruptly, his sharp, knife-like eyes fell on the white man, and he was startled by sweat.

" you..." You didn't say a complete sentence for a long time. This...Is this the leader of the Owl organization who kills people without blinking? The owl himself?

The man waved his hand to the bottom of his hand, and the other knowingly took the doctor's clothes and dragged him to the bedside.

"Rescue our eldest lady, or kill you."

The white doctor looked at the pale, bloodless woman on the bed and tried again. She had a weak pulse and almost couldn't feel the beating, so she fell to her knees in shock.

"Miss... the injury is too serious."

"It's the serious injury that made you here, hurry up and save people..."

"Yes, yes..." The white doctor is already the best doctor in the country. Not only that, he is also a professor at the Institute of Medicine. In order to survive, he began to examine the wounded, and found that it was a bullet grazing the pericardium and hitting his chest, his pupils suddenly widened.

Moreover, this injury should have been delayed for a long time, and the preliminary treatment was not timely, and it did not die.

Life is too big.

"What's wrong? Can you save it?" Xiao Xiao's face was cold, and his complexion was fair. If it was not too hostile, his face was exquisite and even a little cold.

Enough to imagine the demeanor of his youth.

Such a person, if he didn't know his identity, no one would have thought he was the leader of the Xiao organization.

"Chief, if you want to save the eldest lady, you can only try the antibiotics newly developed by our institute." The white doctor said embarrassedly: "But...but we haven't had time to experiment with this antibiotic."

The people underneath directly pinched the doctor's neck and threatened: "You are looking for death. You dare to use our eldest lady as an experiment."

"But... but no one can save without this."

Xiao Xiao waved his hand, "Use it."

The doctor was thrown on the ground, panting like a fish lacking water.

Antibiotic medication needs to be divided into several stages. Xiaoxiao has no time to stay in front of the bed and take people away first. As soon as he left the room, he looked at his subordinates fiercely.

"Say, how can I hurt my eldest lady like this?" Craig was trained by him personally, let alone ordinary people, even the special soldiers of the West Point Military Academy are not her opponents.


"What I want is not sorry, what I want is revenge." Xiao Xiao clenched his fist fiercely, "It is a good method to completely destroy the game I have laid out in southern Xinjiang."

This time the Xiao Organization suffered a heavy loss, and it even brought out the black hands behind the scenes. He will go to see the **** politicians later.

"Our business was going very well, but suddenly a woman appeared, and the method was very good. We lost several people at the time. Later, the lady went out in person and failed to kill the other party, which exposed us."

"and after?"

"Later, a Chinese investigator came. Their captain was terrifying in terms of speed and skill. We couldn't match it. Not only was the stronghold destroyed, even the eldest lady was almost..." The Xiao organization has never eaten so much. The loss of them, these people only came back after nine deaths.

The eldest lady's injury was undergoing emergency surgery on the ship. She thought she was out of danger, but she didn't expect her infection to become more and more serious.

"Check it out for me." Xiao Xiao ordered with an eyebrow: "As things continue in southern Xinjiang, we must never let it go."

"Chief, who will be sent this time?"

"I, go in person."

The people underneath were shocked, but the leader had already spoken, and they did not dare to let it go.


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