"What the **** is going on?" The door of the family courtyard opened, Ping Guofei and Ping Qing came out from inside, and the father and son looked at them in surprise. Ping Guofei's face was gloomy and scary, "You guys went out at night, what do you mean now?"

"Dad." Ping Simin saw Ping Guo flying out and ran up excitedly to complain, "Dad, Gu Yunbo said that as long as my mother tells you the secret 20 years ago, she will help me marry Gu Sinian now. "

"Naughty." Ping Guo flew into a rage, "I said that I didn't agree with this marriage. You gave me this heart."

"Then you are forcing me to die." Ping Simin said, "If you don't agree, I will die for you immediately." As he said, suddenly he took a sharp knife from his pocket and pressed it against his neck.

Ping Qing's eyes widened instantly, gritted his teeth and looked at the dagger. "Simin, don't be fooling around, you put it down for me." The knife belongs to him, no wonder he can't find it.

Zhu Meihua's eyes widened, how could she not believe that the daughter she raised, her own daughter could actually do such a thing. She didn't want to die by herself, she was forcing her mother to die.

"Enough! Don't be embarrassed outside, go home and say something." Ping Guofei yelled, and he has completely lost patience with Ping Simin in the past two years.

"I'm not going back." Ping Simin stood stubbornly in place, "Gu Yunbo said, as long as my mother tells her what happened back then, she will help me marry Gu Sinian. This is my last chance, why? Can't it make me?"

Zhu Meihua bit her lip, and refused to speak.

Ping Qing walked over and supported Zhu Meihua tremblingly, and said anxiously: "What does Simin mean? What happened back then?"

"Nothing...I don't know." How dare she say what happened back then, once Guofei knew the truth, then the family she had worked so hard to maintain for so many years would be nothing.

No... she would never say, she would never say death.

"Mom, I didn't expect you to be so cruel." Ping Si sensitive eyes flushed, "You are too selfish."

"The selfish person is you." Ping Qing can't stand this sister, if he can, he would rather not have this sister. "Go, let's go home, let her make trouble here, leave her alone." She wanted to marry Gu Sinian so much, he didn't believe she really dared to commit suicide.

"Humph!" Ping Guofei coldly hummed and turned and left.

Ping Simin was dumbfounded when all three of them were gone. The knife in his hand gestured, not knowing what to do. It wasn't like this before. Before, she just needed to cry or make a fuss and she would do everything.

How could it become like this?

No... this family can no longer accommodate her, they are selfish trying to force her to die.

A crazy idea suddenly rushed up, Ping Simin bitterly looked at the knife in his hand and gritted his teeth, and cut directly to his left wrist. At this moment, she was full of crazy revenge, to make them taste the price of not taking themselves seriously.

Let these selfish people see what she can't do.

"Ah!" Pain came, Ping Simin widened his eyes and watched the blood dripping down from his wrist, more and more...

"I want you to regret it."

Her voice was too loud, so harsh that the three people who had already entered the yard had to look back. Under the hazy moonlight, Ping Siming's blood-red dim.

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