

Ping Qing was the fastest and rushed over in an instant, helping Ping Simin who was about to fall on the ground, "Quick! Find a car and take it to the hospital."

Ping Guofei looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. He never expected that his daughter would actually commit suicide. He looked at Ping Simin, then at Zhu Meihua, and then quickly went to find a car with Ping Qing. Simin was taken to the hospital.

The movement here was too great. The people who had been resting in the family yard were all disturbed. When they came out, only Zhu Meihua sank to the ground.

It was still cold outside in the middle of the spring night. Zhu Meihua was wearing thin clothes, and she could not feel the cold even when she was sitting on the cold ground. The people around called her several times but did not respond.

"Retribution, it really is retribution." She stared blankly at the blood left by Ping Simin on the ground, thinking of her husband's look before leaving, her heart was cold.


When Meng Fan and Gu Yunbo came out of the hospital, they were speechless. Gu Yunbo pulled his sleeves and refused to let go until they got out of the car in the military compound.

"what happened?"

"Are you not curious?" Originally, Gu Yunbo didn't say anything, but wanted to wait for him to ask, but in the end she didn't ask a word, so she couldn't help asking.

"What are you curious about?" Meng Fan flicked her forehead amusedly, "Curious about how much property you divided up? Or when will Gu Yuanlou die?"

When he said that, Gu Yunbo couldn't say anything. This person is so smart that even if he doesn't say a single word, he can guess that he will never leave ten.

"It's Gu Yuanlou!" She thought for a while, frowning, "I think Gu's family is not normal."

Meng Fan took a deep look at her and said that Gu's family was abnormal, and his Yunbo seemed abnormal!

Gu Yunbo was uncomfortable with his eyes, "What do you mean? Is it that I am not normal?"

"Ahem...no." Someone denied it, turning the subject and saying, "Yunbo, have you recognized Gu Yuanlou?"

"No! He doesn't seem to be attached to me because I deny him." Gu Yuanlou said a lot later, and every word opened her eyes. She hasn't finished digesting it yet.

"Okay, it's almost dawn, you go in and sleep quickly!"

"Aren't you going in?"

"I have to rush back to the army before dawn." Really reluctant to separate like this, Meng Fan hugged her in his arms, tightly looping her powerful arms around her slender waist.

"Yunbo." He whispered.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"..." Meng Fan paused before saying, "Don't be afraid, do whatever you want. With me, no one can bully you."

Gu Yunbo's heart trembled fiercely, feeling the blood all over his body burning. Yes! When she thought about being the backing of Little Xingxing, Little Xingxing was also her strongest backing.

What Gu family fears, she is also a background person.

She has little stars and no one can move her.

"Remember, as long as I am here, you can walk sideways for the entire Northern Military Region." Meng Fan's voice was loud, "Don't be afraid!"

"Yeah!" Gu Yunbo nodded heavily, using a little bit of strength, and knocked his nose to his chest. The nose sore immediately and almost cried.

"Hahaha..." Meng Fan couldn't help laughing, her voice was low and full of magnetism. When I laughed, my chest vibrated and I bumped her nose and lips...

Gu Yunbo's face quickly turned red.

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