May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 343: Ask for leave

Field Corps, meeting room

The division of arms within the Corps has begun, and the best arrangement is the reconnaissance battalion. As the elite of the elite, all members must go to southern Xinjiang. As for the other arms, it takes time.

Although today's meeting was set at the regimental headquarters of the field corps, Meng Xingzhi led people to attend it in person. Several other important heads of the military department have all participated in the following battalion commanders.

It also includes people from the Political Department and the General Staff.

The situation is so tense, if war starts, it will be a big move. In such an era, if you can win glory for the country and fight the enemy with real guns and swords, there is no soldier who will not be enthusiastic.

"What about the time?" Meng Xingzhi sat in the main seat, patiently listened to the following report, and pointed out his views. "The Soviet commander doesn't seem to welcome us."

When it comes to this, the crowd is excited.

There is no way to occupy all the credit alone, Su Jiang can't swallow such a big thing. In terms of investigation, their Northern Military Region is definitely ranked first among the four major military regions.

The Ministry of National Defense must arrange for the most elite people to go there, so as to ensure the end of the war as soon as possible.

"When he thinks about the beauty, he doesn't ask the Ministry of National Defense first to answer it or not."

Meng Xingzhi said: "Of course the Ministry of National Defense does not agree, but you know how thick the man's face is. But I heard that he called the Ministry of National Defense recently when he had nothing to do, and it was annoying."

"Hahaha..." Thinking of this plot, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"Commander, don't pay attention to him. I think the commander of Soviet army just can't afford to live up to the face, and wants to find a supplement."

"Yes!" Meng Xingzhi smiled, "He feels that his investigative team has been beaten by ours, he can't afford to lose this person, and he can't swallow this breath."


"Deserve it!"

"If you want to compare with us, what can he compare with. I heard that the Northwest Military Region is also active, and the strength of the artillery regiment should not be underestimated."


"Okay, stop talking." Meng Xingzhi pulled back the topic of running away. "My opinion is that the investigation battalion will go to the Southern Military Region first, and the date will be at the end of this month."

"That time is running out." Geng Jianguo calculated it and found that it was less than ten days. Seeing Meng Fan, who never said a word, he was really sad.

Once you go to the Southern Military Region, you can't come back in a short time. It will take at least two years from the beginning of the war to the end of the war. It is not certain where I will stay in the future!

"Do you have any questions?"

"No!" Geng Jianguo shook his head, before thinking of something and then said: "I really have a little opinion about going and staying in the future. When things go down in the future, will the Soviet army commander play tricks?

The meeting room was caught in a very strange atmosphere. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They all saw the same meaning in the eyes of the other person.

That old shameless Su Jiang is really capable.

He has always been jealous of us, and now that people go there, he may be jealous and not let people come back!

"You are too right," Meng Xingzhi slapped the table and made a loud voice, "Su Jiang is 100% capable." Please doubt the rhythm of the Su family. They Su family has no morals.

"Report!" The loud voice interrupted the discussion in the conference room.

Meng Xingyi heard the voice of his own guard, knowing that something must have happened, otherwise he wouldn't be disturbed.

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