"Come in."

It is from Chuji, Meng Fan.

After Chu Ji came in, he paid a military salute to all those who were doing it in a standard manner, and then walked to Meng Fan and said something quietly. Meng Fan, who had originally looked indifferent, stood up fiercely.

Everyone cited curiously looked over.

Meng Xingzhi watched his son's face change, and he couldn't help showing worried eyes. Meng Fan is the key to heading to Southern Xinjiang, and he can't do anything right now.

"Sorry! I have a sudden emergency and need to deal with it."

"Go!" Meng Xingzhi waved his hand and glanced at his own guard standing at the door. The other party touched his eyes and nodded to indicate that he knew.

"Head, I want to take a few days off." Meng Fan said directly to Geng Jianguo.

"Ask for leave?"

"You actually want to ask for leave."

"Ask for leave this time?"

Everyone's eyes widened, it was unexpected that the young commander would ask for leave at this time. Is he okay? Leave now?

Geng Jianguo knew in his heart that Meng Fan was not an impulsive person. Since he asked for leave, there must be something important.

"Okay! You have something to deal with first."

"Thank you, leader."

After Meng Fan left, the meeting was almost over. Meng Xingzhi got up to announce the end of the meeting, and took the lead out of the meeting. His guards were already waiting at the door, and the two said as they walked.

"What happened? Why did Meng Fan ask for leave?"

"This..." The guard hesitated for a while before saying: "I just heard that Comrade Gu Yunbo killed someone."

"What?" Meng Xingzhi stopped abruptly and asked incredulously: "You say it again? What's the matter?" The news was so sudden that he almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"The news is that Gu Yunbo missed and killed someone. Specifically, I am not asking to clear it. Battalion Commander Meng rushed over at this time. It was definitely the result of the handling."

Meng Xingzhi continued to stride forward, and as he walked, he ordered, "You arrange for someone to understand clearly what is going on! I don't believe Yunbo will kill. She is a good boy. Something must have happened."

"...Yes! Chief." Gu Yunbo won't kill people. Everyone believes that, but she is a good boy. Should no one believe it? Since she was specially recruited into the army, has it caused few things?

The accident in the Shen family was also caused by her. Zhang Yong has been by Meng Xingzhi's side for so long, he really knows these things that outsiders don't know. From the first place in the special recruit to breaking the arms and legs of a veteran, this is not something a good boy would do.

And he just heard that Gu Yunbo was in the compound to discuss with Ji Lijun and interrupted another arm. He also knew Ji Lijun, and Chief Hai’s confidant was a ruthless person.

Usually in the compound, few people dare to provoke him.

This shows that Gu Yunbo is definitely not a good boy.


Meng Fan took Chu Ji to the hospital first, and along the way, Chu Ji explained what happened to Meng Fan in the cleanest way.

"It was Zhu Meihua who wanted to kill Gu Yunbo with a knife. The situation was very critical at the time. Neither Meng Ping nor the young soldiers in the compound had time to stop it. As a result, Gu Yunbo responded quickly and scary. Everyone didn't see how she did it. Pierced Zhu Meihua's abdomen."

"Abdomen?" Meng Fan's eyes were gloomy as the sea, and there was a stormy tranquility in his eyes. It's just that the tranquility has a destructive deterrent, as long as you look at it, you can know that this is definitely not tranquility.

This is madness, a whirlwind of earth-shaking, and a sea wave. Just a little carelessness can ruin everything.

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