Chu Ji said cautiously: "That's right, it's the abdomen. It is reasonable to say that if you are sent to the hospital in time, you should not die, but the aorta in the abdomen was stabbed. When the knife was drawn in the hospital, the person died."

Meng Fan rubbed his eyebrows tiredly. He knew that Yunbo was just trying to make Zhu Meihua have to die.

Chu Ji glanced at him quietly, "Don't worry, battalion commander, Sister Bo is just defensive, Zhu Meihua brought the knife herself, and she did it first."

"Hmm!" He was not worried, he was angry. He hasn't gone to the Southern Military Region yet! Someone wanted to start with Yunbo. This time Yunbo reacted quickly and nothing happened. What would happen if Yunbo was just an ordinary girl?

"She did the right thing." You must not be merciful to the enemy.

Chu Ji was taken aback for a while, before he said, "Batman commander, do you mean that Sister Bo deliberately killed Zhu Meihua when she was defending?" He couldn't believe it. Although Gu Yunbo was very strong, he was still at that time. Can you have such an idea?

If Gu Yunbo stabbed twice in a row when resisting, then she must have done it deliberately! This charge is also fully conscientious, but she is only a single blow.

It was a stab at the cut-off point.

At such a critical moment, can you think of other things?

Meng Fan sneered, "Of course not! She didn't mean it, but this result is inevitable."

Chu Ji was even more confused, "I don't understand."

Meng Fan glanced at him angrily. For the first time, he found that Chu Ji was so stupid, but he still patiently explained: "This is a subconscious reaction that will only be exercised when you wander for many years at the moment of life and death. For example, you Every time you are more absolute, you will learn from others, if you don’t kill the other person, the other person will kill you. Think about it, what happens after a long time?

Chu Ji thought for a while, shuddering. "I will kill people as soon as I find an opportunity."

"That's right!" His Yunbo didn't know what he had experienced when he was young, and he actually had this kind of subconsciousness. In fact, he suspected it a long time ago. When Yunbo fought Xu Kaixuan for the first time, he was 100% sure.

These days, he has asked his cousin Yin Nan to help him investigate, and the results he got scared him and made him feel distressed.

Chu Ji's hands holding the steering wheel were shaking. He didn't know whether he should sympathize with Zhu Meihua or Gu Yunbo for such a tragedy. And faintly, he even had a bit of affection for Gu Yunbo.

Sister Bo, who was so ostentatious in her daily life, had experienced such cruel things as a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that life or death is not an exaggeration.

He had quietly dissatisfied before, but now he feels that it is all right for the battalion commander to hurt his wife. If it were his daughter-in-law, he would go to the sky too!

The car stopped abruptly at the entrance of the hospital.

Meng Fan jumped out of the car first. As the husband of the suspect, it is necessary for him to come to the hospital first. After getting off the car, he saw Pingqing at first sight.

The two grew up together and knew each other very well, but he was still shocked at first glance.

Ping Qing's appearance can no longer be described as haggard, as if the whole person has sunk into the abyss, and his eyes are dead.

"Ping Qing" He moved his lips and wanted to apologize for Yunbo, but he couldn't say a word. He didn't think Yunbo had done something wrong, his wife, he thought he was very distressed.

He couldn't bear even a typo!

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