May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 354: Be entertained

Old Qi touched his chin, and said meaningfully: "It seems that for the suspect inside, you can't use the previous methods."

"What do you say?"

"Someone said hello just now, so I'd like to'treat' that Gu Yunbo, and we must make her admit to killing someone intentionally."

Zhou Jin stared, "You agree?"

"How can it be! Do you think I am such a person?"

"That's good!" Zhou Jin breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you know who it is? What do you think of our people's police? Damn, let me find out and let him know how powerful it is."

"I don't know, it should be a hard-working one. It is greeted by others." There are many other things, and he dared not say anything about Zhou Jin's appearance.

Moreover, Zhou Jin, the old leader, has an extraordinary temperament, and he is not a simple character at first glance. I don't know whose background is hard!

Zhou Jin originally didn't want to talk about Meng Fan's background, but after listening to Old Qi, he couldn't guarantee that people in the dark would be making bad ideas. He really regarded his sister-in-law as something that could be rounded and flattened at will, and he couldn't explain to the battalion leader if the sister-in-law suffered.

"Tell you the truth." Zhou Jin whispered.

"You said!"

"You haven't been in the army before and don't know the specifics. My old leader has a nickname in the army. Do you know what it is called?"

Old Qi thought about it and shook his head.

"Young Commander."

"Young Commander?" Old Qi was taken aback. "It's a big tone, dare someone call this name?"

"Of course! The chief of the ** called it out personally, what do you think? Our battalion commander is less than twenty-five years old this year. He is a recognized general and the commander rate of the entire army is waiting for him to become commander."

Lao Qi didn't speak for a long while, and when the head of the Communist Party shouted out, it meant that he was regarded as his successor.

"So when you treat Gu Yunbo, you will weigh yourselves separately. Don't regret it when the time comes."

"Thank you." Old Qi expressed his thanks sincerely.

When the two talked, they kept controlling the pace of walking, and when they were almost finished, they came to the front of the director's office. After knocking on the door and entering, Director Liangcheng was making a call, standing straight at the desk, listening to the phone with a respectful appearance.

The two stood waiting for Liangcheng to finish talking on the phone.

"By the way, I just want to talk to you about the case that I just received." Liangcheng quietly relieved after finishing the call. He felt that the case he was taking was really a hot potato, and he called one by one to say hello, all of which he couldn't afford to offend.

"Well, we are also about to report to you."

The two were seated separately, and Lao Qi gave a detailed overview of the case and concluded: "At present we have enough evidence and all witnesses are very cooperative. I think the case can be closed."

"How to close the case? What are the suggestions for closing the case?" Liang Cheng asked.

"Submitted to the prosecutor's office, and recommended that the case be over-defensive and acquitted."

Liangcheng slapped the table fiercely and furiously, "Naughty, a good life is gone, you actually want to be acquitted? This is how you became a public servant of the people?"

Old Qi was dumbfounded, "But?? But the deceased took the initiative to take out the knife to kill the suspect. The suspect just reacted normally at the moment of the death."

"Normal reaction? Is your normal reaction like this? That person's normal reaction is to kill someone with a backhand? This is clearly a deliberate murder, deliberate revenge."

Lao Qi looked at Liangcheng and thought to himself that the Secretary didn't take medicine today, right?

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