May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 355: One goal three

Zhou Jin couldn't help but sneer at the thought of the call the Secretary answered when she just came in. "Director, you may not know the identity of the suspect, Gu Yunbo. She was a recruit specially recruited by the Northern Military Region last year. She entered the Intelligence Operations Division with the best results. Special talents like this are all engaged in the most dangerous for a long time. Task, it’s normal to have such a reaction."

Liangcheng's momentum couldn't help but weakened a bit, "A recruit, even with good grades, can't develop a highly alert response so quickly. Who are you fooling?"

Zhou Jin immediately stared, "Director, don't let people mislead. I have checked Gu Yunbo's information. She made a third-class merit in performing secret missions in southern Xinjiang. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary recruits to make a third-class service. Waiting for work."

"Haha...Is the third-class merit of this year already rotten?" Liang Cheng said sarcastically, "This kind of scum can actually give third-class merit, so is the management of the troops so unbearable?"

Zhou Jin and Lao Qi both turned to look at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"Go, arrange three people to give me a trial 24 hours a day, until the outcome of the trial is reached."

"Secretary, please consider it."

Seeing that the two effective men kept blocking, Liangcheng also had to show some face and persuaded him with a tone of voice, "Lao Qi, Xiao Zhou, it's not that I didn't give you both face, it's really this Gu Yunbo who has offended me and shouldn't offend me!" Is there any way? I don’t want to. The superiors specifically called to take care of them, so many eyes are staring!"

"That can't be nonsense!" Old Qi said

"Why is it bullshit? Isn't our interrogation normal?"

It is indeed a normal procedure, but when there are no doubts in the case, high-intensity interrogation is still carried out, which is definitely not for the average person!

"The people above are not easy to offend, and Gu Yunbo is not good to offend either."

Liangcheng said for a long time that he still couldn't persuade the two subordinates. He had completely lost his patience, and directly ordered: "Naughty, Lao Qi, you have disappointed me too much. Give me a trial and a harsh trial."

Old Qi thought of Zhou Jin's reminder when he came in, and finally tried his best to say: "Director, I'm afraid it's not appropriate? The witness and the testimony are the same as the criminal suspect's confession, and there is no doubt."

"No!" Liangcheng was tough.


Liangcheng slapped the table fiercely, "How many times do I have to say it?"


When the two of them were about to go out, the phone on Liangcheng's desk rang again. They picked up the phone and said impatiently: "I am, I am Liangcheng. If you have anything to say, just let it go."

"Hello, I'm Meng Xingzhi!" The person on the other end of the phone didn't have a bad tone because the other party spoke, and still maintained a gentle and polite attitude.

"Who is Meng Xingzhi?" Liangcheng was taken aback.

After hearing Liangcheng's words, Zhou Jin showed respect and joy in her eyes, and clenched her fists in excitement. "Secretary." He made a gesture of covering the phone.

Liangcheng did as instructed.

"Chief, why don't you even know Meng Xingzhi? Major general."

Liangcheng suddenly realized that he remembered that not only did he know that Meng Xingzhi was a major general, he also knew that Meng Xingzhi's old chief was a general, and that Meng Xingzhi's eldest brother was a lieutenant general.

One goal, three generals, talking about the Meng family! Those who dare to offend the Meng family can't count them with five fingers.

"Hello Chief, if you have any instructions, please tell me." Liangcheng saluted him. Although Meng Xingzhi couldn't see him, he still did not forget the etiquette and accompanied him very carefully. ,

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