The doctors and nurses were in a hurry, Gu Sinian stepped back to avoid the crowd, "They are already crazy, I think it is better to transfer to a mental hospital."

There was a moment of silence in the ward, and a young nurse couldn't help but turned his head and glanced at him in surprise, then bowed his head in horror.

" a mental hospital?" the doctor asked hesitantly.

"Yes! I have arranged for someone to transfer to the hospital, so you don’t have to be responsible later." Gu Sinian clapped his hands and waited for the people outside to hear the sound stepping forward quickly, seeing that the clothes he was wearing were psychiatric patients. The staff of the hospital.

These people were well-trained and soon took over Ping Simin. After being sedated, Ping Simin just kept her eyes wide open. She wanted to struggle but couldn't lift the strength at all, so she could only watch as she was taken away.

The original bright eyes gradually became dim, and the last glance was Gu Sinian's smiling face.

Handsome and cruel.

This is the person she wants to marry, and the persuasion of her parents in the past, the love of her brother all came to her heart.

"I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy..."

Gu Sinian looked at Ping Simin with cold eyes throughout the whole process, with dim light shining under his eyes. He would not let anyone daring to threaten him. Ping Simin and Zhu Meihua dared to force him to get engaged. This was the biggest shame in his life as Gu Sinian.



Because of the split of the field corps, the military headquarters was full of hurried footsteps. Everything revolves around this, and the most annoying thing is that there are still some activists who are making trouble everywhere.

Meng Xingzhi got out of the car and walked quickly inside. Guard Zhang Yong followed him as he walked and said, "Commander, Commander Shen is here again, what should I do?"

"What should I do?" Meng Xingzhi was in a bad mood, and his tone was a little bit more aggressive than usual, "Kick people away and I will be annoyed to see him."

Zhang Yong's heart to cry is gone, who can drive away Shen Feihu? Who drove away again? He can't take the courage of him! "Commander, can't drive away."

"Can't you leave? I don't believe it anymore." As soon as Meng Xingzhi's dare finished speaking, he saw Shen Feihu greet him with a smile on his face.

"Commander, how are you thinking about commander?"

"What's going on?"

"Just to go to southern Xinjiang! Our teacher has made all preparations and can rush to southern Xinjiang at any time." Shen Feihu stroked his sleeves, barely making a bandit look.

"Get out!" Meng Xingzhi was almost **** off by this person, "Don't make trouble."

"I'm not adding chaos, I'm playing for the country, how can I add chaos?" Shen Feihu was anxious, but before he came, he had paid all the tickets. Why is there a good thing for the field corps? How is their thirty-nine division inferior to them?

Meng Xingzhi rubbed his eyebrows, and was too lazy to pay attention to him, winked at his subordinates, forcibly stopped them, and threw them out.

This old **** Shen Feihu can be considered a miracle.

The first divisional officer to be thrown out of the gate by the military.

Without the annoying Shen Feihu, Meng Xingzhi directly found Gao Yuejin and said, "How about? Is Meng Fan back?"

Gao Yuejin shook his head, a gloomy color under his eyes. At this point of view, something happened to Gu Yunbo, and he had to conspire.

Who believes that there is no conspiracy!

"This child is too affectionate." Meng Fan sighed, then waved away the people in the office, and said, "Sometimes, I even think, maybe this is a turning point."

"Huh?" Gao Yuejin didn't understand what he meant, "What's a turnaround?"

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