May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 364: Passed away

"Turning on the battlefield."

Gao Yuejin instantly understood that his old partner and comrade-in-arms was worried. To be honest, he was also worried. When Jing Lin entered the investigation camp, he was happy for a long time, and he felt proud when he walked there.

But now Jinglin is going to southern Xinjiang with him, he is not happy at all, but he dare not show the slightest. As a soldier, an officer, the burden on his shoulders is much heavier than being a father.

On the one hand, he was proud that his son was finally useful, and he was finally able to serve his country. On the one hand, I can't help but worry.

People's hearts! But it's really unsatisfactory.

"Lao Meng! You think too much!" Gao Yuejin patted Meng Xingzhi's shoulder confidently, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Come back to be upgraded to a third level with Meng Fan's ability and qualifications. problem."

"Well, let's not talk about it." Meng Xingzhi has changed from the new to the strategist commander. "Tomorrow, he will go south. Meng Fan, the bastard, is thinking about his wife. He will not return to the team until now.

"He is worried that Yunbo is also normal."

"I think he wants to go in too, and accompany his wife every day." Lao Meng's family is a lover, but he hasn't reached Meng Fan's level yet? "Send me an order to go down and let him return to the team as soon as he receives the order."

"Okay!" Gao Yuejin also knew that if Meng Fan was coming back, many people couldn't stop their mouths. Especially there is another Shen Yu who is eager to get a share of the pie.

"After Meng Fan returns to the team, what will happen to Yunbo?" Gao Yuejin really likes this girl. In addition to helping to train her own bastard, the girl's personality is also very appetizing to him.

"Things are not simple." Meng Xingzhi sneered thinking of what his son said to him. "The Gu family wanted to kill her, so how could they easily let go."

"With your old Meng's ability, you can't hold it down?" Gao Yuejin asked incredulously, "Don't be kidding, it's not funny at all."

"The boss of the Gu family is in politics!"

"That said, the police government can barely be regarded as a system. Why is the military and government separated, if the other party doesn't give up trying to make small moves, it is really impossible to prevent."

"A bunch of little people." Meng Xingzhi snorted coldly, "Their wishful thinking is impossible to start. It will take some time and twists and turns for the cloudy wave to come out."

Gao Yuejin knew that he was right, so he didn't think too much, changed the subject and said, "By the way, did you read the report of Shen Yu's request to return to the team?"

"Look!" Meng Xingzhi subconsciously didn't want Shen Yu to return to the team, "press it for now."

"I'm afraid it won't last long, and in this way, the outside world will make irresponsible remarks." As for what they would say, both of them knew in their hearts. Moreover, the temptation of the opportunity to perform meritorious service this time is too great. It is impossible for the rest of the Shen family not to care about the old Chief Shen. In the end, the old leader will definitely be asked to come forward, and they must compromise as long as a phone call.


The news of Gu Yuanlou's death broke out in the afternoon, and it was only discovered after it broke out that it turned out that Grandpa Gu had passed away for three days, and the news of the previous three days had been suppressed by Gu Sinian.

What happened in these three days, even if you don't need to think about it, you can think of it.

It is said that the eldest son of Gu’s family fainted with anger.

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