May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 376: Parliamentary representative

"Chief, the people arranged by the council are here."

"Bring in."


Xiao Xiao was looking at the topographic map. He had long kept the topographic map of the chaotic zone in his mind, but the potential danger in the original forest still caused him to lose his army one after another.

Intuition told him that his loss was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster.

This made him puzzled, and based on his knowledge of the chaotic zone, he thought that no one would know better than him. Many people don't know his origin, but he knows better than anyone else.

He was born in a chaotic zone and grew up here. Is anyone more familiar than him? He is of mixed blood, half of Chinese ancestry.

"The leader is here."

Xiao turned his head, standing in the shadow with a tall figure, giving people a frightening feeling.

The representative sent by the parliament was a typical white man with blond hair and blue eyes, a hooked nose, and a big belly with an indomitable look when looking at people.

Xiao Xiao coldly snorted in his heart, secretly ridiculing that the council would arrange such a fool to go to his death.

"Hello, owlet." The representative bent over at first, the gentleman, and then said very imposingly: "I'm here on behalf of the parliament. Is that how you welcome me?"

"Haha..." Xiao Xiao sneered. He was very distinctive when he laughed. The sound seemed to come from deep in his throat, a bit like Ye Xiao, dark and scary.

This is also the reason why he is called Xiao. Over time, no one else knows his real name, but his nickname is unknown.

"What's the matter? Dislike me where the environment is not good?"

Representing his face full of irritation, he had been interrogated a dozen times in succession since he saw Xiaoxiao in this ghost place. No one was polite to him, and some even kicked him to the ground.

"Lord Xiao, you should understand what I mean." How could his own people not know? "I think you should also know who you are."

"What's my identity?" Xiao Xiao walked out of the shadows, and the frightened opponent couldn't help but stagger back, and regretted it in his heart.

I have long heard that the owlet organization is powerful, and the leader is notorious. It would be better to keep a low profile if you knew him. I thought that relying on his status as a representative of the parliament, he would surely make the other party bow his head, but now it seems unlikely.

" are just cooperating with us as a mercenary." He swallowed the latter words, but everyone understood the meaning.

It's just a dog of the government, and his master's face is not honest yet.

"Hahaha..." Xiao Xiao sneered, "It seems that I know who I am, and you know who I am."

"I... Why don't I know?" The representative became more and more frightened, and shouted inwardly; "I am a representative of the parliament, you have no right to move me, will pay the price if you dare to move me."

"You--" Xiao drew out his own pistol and pressed it to the representative's greasy forehead, "Dead person."

The voice fell and pulled the trigger, a shot headshot, simply and neatly.

On behalf of the staring eyes, a look of staring eyes.

"Drag out to feed the dog."


A red blood stain on the ground was dragged far away, but Xiao Xiao didn't see it at all, and stepped on it casually with his boots in his feet.

It's not that he didn't see it, but that he saw too much.

"Chief, would it be difficult to explain to killing people like this?"

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