The owl sat down on the chair, and a cold calculation flashed in his eyes, "The **** want to take advantage of us and kick them away. There are such cheap things in the world. Now they are tied to us, thinking To push us out of the scapegoat, it depends on my disagreement."

"What are you going to do with the chief?"

"Start the war thoroughly!" When he said this, his eyes were red and bloodshot and it was extremely scary. In his eyes, the lives of tens of thousands of people are nothing more than pawns that can be used, a means to achieve an end.

He has long been burdened with blood debts. Some were kicked out by politicians, and some were committed by him himself. This time in southern Xinjiang, he also agreed to cooperate with the United States. They want to take advantage of all the advantages, and they don't want to get ahead, and they want to be a **** without setting up a torii, that's such a good thing.

It's better to make the matter bigger and let the **** confess the crime.

"... Chief, we all listen to you."

"How is the eldest lady?" A softness flashed across Xiao Xiao's face when she mentioned her daughter.

"The eldest lady has all recovered, on the way here."

"This girl, I told her not to come, still thinking about it." The owl shook his head seemingly helpless, "Could it be that I don't want her daughter because of her poor performance?"

The subordinate who had not had any emotional ups and downs quickly raised his head and glanced at him, shivering in his heart. The leader is really good to the eldest lady, and the eldest lady is indeed very good, not only excellent, but the eldest lady is also very temperamental. It can be said that the arrogance of the whole body is all spoiled by the people in the Xiao organization.

These are all normal, but what is abnormal is that the eldest lady is very afraid of the leader.

This is not like the attitude that a personal daughter should have towards a father.

"The eldest lady should be trying to avenge herself. She almost gave her life last time. She wanted to break the body of that person named Gu Yunbo."

Craig's attitude was very clear to Xiao Xiao, and he was satisfied that she had the temperament to revenge. "Did Gu Yunbo found it?"

"No! The defense over there is too tight, our people still can't penetrate."

He had stayed there before, and escaped all the way from the mountains when something happened. It was really tight. "Keep the notice, if you can't catch anyone, you die!"

"Yes!" The subordinate shuddered again. He was already considered as the most personal manager next to the leader, but sometimes he still couldn't figure out what the leader thought.

For example, his attitude towards Missy.

"Report, Chief Eagle is back."

"Come in quickly." Xiao's attitude is obviously different from the previous one. The position of Chief Eagle in the organization is second only to him, and he is also his true confidant.

Xiao Xiao speeded up his pace and walked to the door, when a man covered in blood hit the opposite side.

"How did you make yourself like this?" A murderous burst of intent in Xiao Xiao's eyes, "Who did it on earth?"

"Who else!" Chief Eagle staggered. He is a tall man, about ten years younger than Xiao Xiao, full of power.

He fell into a chair and soon a doctor came and brought him out with a medicine box. One place was chopped up and down his whole body, and the wound reached ten centimeters, leaning across the entire back, leaving a hideous hole. At this time, the wound was still bleeding.

The blood that had just dried on the ground was stained red again.

In addition to this wound, there was a bullet pierced through the shoulder and a shocking bite mark on the neck. If these three wounds were put on an ordinary person, every place would be fatal. Fortunately, his physique was strong, or he would have died early.

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