May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 378: Courtyard Ninety Six

Obviously, the doctor often deals with similar wounds and his hands are not stable. Sterilization, suture, injection, orderly.

And Chief Eagle is indeed a man, sitting in a chair and letting the doctor deal with him, without frowning.

"Who is it?" Xiao Xiao was on the verge of an explosion, and the people around him were silent.

Manager Eagle took a breath, and then pointed to the bite mark on his neck, "Look here, you know!"

"Young Commander?" It's been half a year. Of course, he knew that there was a very powerful person on the other side, who followed a dog all the year round, and had a strong combat ability.

This is the reason why he has a dog. He doesn't believe in dogs that grow up eating human flesh. He can't do that.

"Damn!" Xiao Xiao hit the table with a fierce punch, making a sensation. Fortunately, the material of the table is good, otherwise it would not be as simple as a crack on the table.

"Today we fought an encounter. It is indeed better than the mercenaries we met before." When stitched to the point, Chief Eagle gritted his teeth, broke a bit and continued: "It's not easy to deal with, I suspect we were in chaos before. The loss of manpower in the zone is not just as simple as the black hand behind the southern Xinjiang people."

"It's not a terrain problem either." Xiao's previous guesses were confirmed. "It's their God. You must find a way to get rid of people."

"The opponent not only has a high level of combat, but also has a tight defense. I'm afraid it won't be easy to start." Chief Eagle is still very confident in his own abilities. If he says so, it is indeed a problem.

"Ha ha ha... Then you don't have to worry about it. Since the external can't solve it, start infiltrating from the inside. I don't believe it can't be killed."

The two have worked together many times, and Chief Eagle immediately understood.

"How about the time? Is it too late? When I came in, I saw someone dragging a fat man away. Isn't it the representative sent by the parliament? If you killed us, our plan will be advanced."

"Let Craig appease!"

Chief Eagle nodded thoughtfully, not saying anything.


Courtyard Ninety Six

At the end of the National Defense Road, there is a very inconspicuous three-story building. The front wall is full of creepers when it appears red in summer. Outside the small building is a big iron gate, usually only a 60-year-old master guards the door.

When Gu Yunbo followed Tu Zheng in, she suddenly remembered that she had been here before when she was investigating the terrain because it was so inconspicuous and didn't care too much.

This national defense road is really famous. From the beginning to the end of the road, even the fork and the back are full of various power institutions, military schools, and art groups.

Which one is taken out alone is very powerful.

At that time, she had wondered how such a small, seemingly unremarkable, deserted building could be built on the National Defense Road. Now I want to realize that, indeed, the background is very big, quite big.

Along the way, Gu Yunbo silently kept in mind the terrain, all the exits, the secret sentries and the places where people can hide. It is probably estimated that with the ability of Guoan, this is definitely not a base camp, it should be a branch office or something.

"This will be your home in the future." Tu Zheng was obviously in a good mood. After taking Gu Yunbo and Xin Yue into the small building with smiles on his faces, all those who walked by him subconsciously rubbed their eyes.

As a result, when his voice just landed in the originally bright room, the lights went out and plunged into darkness. Gu Yunbo stretched out his hand and grabbed it, but the person who was standing next to her was gone.

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