May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 380: Dissatisfaction

"Bump..." Tu Zheng and Captain Han rushed for two consecutive times. When they saw everything in front of them, they were momentarily dumbfounded.

Tu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and then the smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't stop. It is indeed worthy of him who Tu Zheng liked and spent a lot of money to dig.

Captain Han was dumbfounded, and anger followed. You must know that these people lying on the ground are her confidantes and her capable men. Gu Yunbo didn't hit them, but her Han Sanqing in the face.

"Gu Yunbo." She yelled, and walked to Gu Yunbo a few steps, "Who let you do it? Who gave you the courage to beat me?"

Gu Yunbo looked at Han Sanqing indifferently, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then slowly said, "So?"

"So what?" Han Sanqing was confused by her words, and even the anger just now was distracted.

"Aren't your people going to give me power?"

"Then you can't hit people casually?"

"Hahaha..." Gu Yunbo laughed loudly, but his smile was not half warm. His eyes were cold and brilliant when looking at people, making the scalp numb.

Being detained for half a year, calculated by various forces, it is not a small stimulus to her. The current Gu Yunbo is no longer the Gu Yunbo he was six months ago. To be specific about what is different, then the shots are more ruthless, faster, and more poisonous.

Now she often thinks of her past life, and her temperament and personality are slowly changing.

When it becomes words, it becomes sharp.

"Have you laughed enough?" Han Sanqing was so irritated by her smile that he raised his hand to attack her, but was grabbed by her wrist with her backhand, and couldn't get away.

"You let go." Han Sanqing's face was flushed before, but now it's more than just flushing. Red and green, it looks very scary.

"Okay!" Gu Yunbo agreed. Just when Han Sanqing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he slammed Han Sanqing over his shoulders and threw Han Sanqing to the ground, then tied his elbows on his knees.

The appearance of being slaughtered.

You must know that in the 96th compound, Han Sanqing's status has always been under one person. No one has ever dared to give her face so much. Of course, no one has this ability.

The atmosphere at the scene fell into a weird state, even the wounded whose arms and legs were broken did not dare to scream or hum.

Gu Yunbo didn't care about this. She just said coldly: "If you want to disarm me, you must be prepared for failure. Not everyone has the ability to disarm others, at least you can't, you can't do it now, and you'll never do it."

Gu Yunbo's delicate face was imprisoned for half a year, and his skin was sickly pale, and his face was white and flawless. When she was lazy and calm, she seemed to be shining.

Even the onlookers Xin Yue and Tu Zheng looked dumbfounded.

"Take it?" She increased her strength.

How could Han Sanqing be convinced, to say that his subordinates shouldn't hit her in the face, then now that he is subdued is more than just a face. Just now Gu Yunbo's words made her qi and blood surge, and she wanted to faint directly.

"I'm not convinced, I'm not convinced, it's you who attacked." She screamed hysterically.

Tu Zheng saw enough education and enough excitement and coughed and said, "Let her go!"

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