May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 381: Taunt skills

Gu Yunbo's eyebrows were drooping, and Tu Zheng couldn't see her expression, and there would be no bottom in his heart for a while. But what is surprising is that she really let go of Han Sangqing.

As a result, she just took a step back, but Han Sanqing suddenly kicked her with one-handed support. With the sound of breaking wind on his feet, he was in front of him in a blink of an eye, and Gu Yunbo could even see the lines on the soles of Han Sanqing's shoes. At this time, she even thought in her heart that it was really good for the National Security. The people were still wearing cloth shoes and rubber shoes, and they started to wear leather shoes.

Xin Yue reacted quickly, and immediately tried to stop it but was stopped by Tu Zheng. "Don't go, let her go if someone wants to die." These years because of his heavy reliance, Han Sanqing's temper has become too habitual.

I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick, so I should teach a lesson, otherwise I don't know how big the sky is outside.

Xin Yue glanced at Tu Zheng and then at Gu Yunbo. She was surprised to find that she had actually lowered her waist ninety degrees, dangerously avoiding Han Sanqing's sudden attack, and the two of them were completely integrated.

Han Sanqing does have the resources to be proud, otherwise it would be impossible to lead so many people in the 96th courtyard, and it would be on par with Gu Yunbo at first. But as time goes by, she is getting more and more powerless.

This situation has never happened before. Her strength has been great since she was a child, and she has never encountered that woman whose strength is greater than her.


Han Sanqing's eyes widened, she was humiliated by a newcomer today, how could she fight back with this tone.

"I've been playing with you for so long, so let's stop here!" Gu Yunbo suddenly spoke, with a hint of mockery in his voice. What followed was a storm-like attack. Han Sanqing was kicked out like a rag doll, and she hadn't waited for more attacks to arrive.

The whole figure hit the table like a cannonball, and the wooden table was smashed into a mess.

When the dust fell, Han Sanqing spit out blood, trying to get up but couldn't get up.

Gu Yunbo clapped his hands and said sarcastically to Tu Zheng: "I finally know why you wanted to let me come. It's too vulnerable, it's just rubbish!" After this incident, she also wanted to understand. It was her before. Stupid, want to be low-key, want to live a stable life. Don't want to fight with people, let alone ask for rights and money.

She gritted her teeth and suppressed her instincts, just wanting to keep the little star alive.

But such a humble request, but some people didn't want her to be satisfied. In that case, why should she forbear, why should she make others feel better, since now she Gu Yunbo is back.

Everyone stared at her fiercely, eyes red, daring not to speak.

Xin Yue helped her, pretending she couldn't see anything.

The corners of Tu Zheng's mouth twitched, and he was happy and complicated. I'm glad that the person he fancy is really powerful. What's more complicated is that Han Sanqing has been hit so hard this time. Would he not want to commit suicide?

And when he is using people properly, all the people under his hands are picked up and no one is available, what should I do?



Su Hai got out of the car with the red paper bag in his hand, walked into the administrative office area, and greeted the people passing by as he walked along the way, with a casual smile on his handsome face, which made the ungirl officer couldn't help but watch Two eyes.

"Director Su is young, but his seniority is very big!"


"I heard that it is the old son of Chief Su, who is particularly favored at home."

Su Hai, who had already turned the corner, had a meal and wanted to go back and tell the person who spoke that he was the least standing person in the house, so he might as well follow the old man's broken gun for decades.

"Director Su, are you looking for the chief?" Zhang Yong walked towards him and his eyes lit up and greeted him actively.

"Yes, does Commander Meng have time?"

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