May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 448: negotiation

"It's someone who dared to kill you in the Parliament Building." The Secretary-General dropped his horrifying words, turned and hurried to follow. If you put it a few years ago, let alone all members, even he would not put a small mercenary leader in his eyes, but now is different from the past, everyone’s interests have long been tied to the Xiao organization, even He also left a lot of handles in his hands.

Everyone was afraid that Xiao Xiao would suddenly turn his face, and come to a dead fish, so naturally he was afraid of him in many ways.

In the meeting room, after the two parties were seated, the silver-haired man looked at the owl, his azure blue eyes were like inorganic glass. "Why did you come back suddenly?" Many of the people in the room were older than him, but none of them had any opinions when they heard him. Instead, they all looked at Xiao Xiao angrily.

"Heh..." Xiao Xiao made a cold sneer, "I will come if I want to."

"Pop!" The silver-haired man patted on the table, "What do you think of this place? Did you come as soon as you wanted?"

The owl stood up from his seat, stepped on the royal blue carpet, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows at will, overlooking the scenery of half of the West Coast. As he moved, the people in black who had been standing couldn't help but retreat, leaving a large blank space around.

The silver-haired man looked at his behavior, his face pale in anger. When he used the owl, he was also raising tigers. Now this tiger has started to eat people again.

"Can't I come?" Xiao turned around to look at the silver-haired man, his sarcasm glances across everyone, like a steel knife, and the shaved face hurt.

They looked down on people with yellow skin, let alone being ridden on the head by the owl.

"Xiao, don't be proud, you are not qualified to come here." A fat man couldn't help but yelled at him. He hadn't spoken yet, and the silver-haired man had already stopped urgently.

"David, you shut up."

It's a pity to eat. David's fat body has fallen to the ground just after his words, and the scarlet blood stained the royal blue carpet with rust.

The meeting room fell into a weird silence, only the whistling sound from David's trachea was heard.

He had his throat cut quickly and died of breath, his eyes were still wide open when he died.

"Owl, you are so arrogant." The silver-haired man looked at him disappointedly, "You did this in the Parliament Building, don't you plan to live in the future?"

Xiao Xiao took his seat again, "Alfonso, I will give you this face."

"Thank you!" The silver-haired man's lips are extremely thin, his nose is high, his eyebrows are deep and his eyes are typical Westerners. It was originally a tall and handsome appearance, because the thin lips looked extraordinarily indifferent.

Especially when he is not smiling.

"You're polite, Alfonso." Xiao Xiao's falcon-like eyes were colder than the silver-haired man when she looked at people, even with a frightening blood.

The silver-haired man took a deep breath and waved his hands to let irrelevant people out.

"You?" The man in black didn't worry about letting a dangerous figure like Xiao Xiao be there, and refused to leave.

"Leave me out." The silver-haired man increased his tone.


After all the messy people were gone, there were only two people left in the huge meeting room, the silver-haired man and the owl. The lack of irrelevant people is an eyesore, Xiao Xiao's face looks a little better.

"How did you think about what I said last time?"

"We can't take the initiative to provoke a war." The silver-haired man made no concessions. "This is my bottom line."

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