"Then I will withdraw my troops."

"Did you withdraw it?" The silver-haired man slapped the table fiercely, "Don't forget who provided you with your weapons and equipment supplies. Without our supply, you are the first in the mercenary world. Can the top seat sit securely? If you dare to withdraw your troops, I can always support you again. Some people want to bring you down."

"You won't." Xiao Xiao said confidently: "No one can replace me, and how many resources have I transported back to you in the past two years? Drugs, gems, oil...Compared with your investment, the income is higher!"

"High risk, high investment can have high returns. I am a politician, not a philanthropist." The silver-haired man put his hands on the table pale and scary, and he was playing with a pen when he spoke. Have you shipped so many armaments? I thought you had seen my sincerity very clearly."

"Haha..." Xiao Xiao sneered, "I didn't see your sincerity, I only saw that you wanted to kill two birds with one stone. When a full-scale war was launched, it happened to kill me."

The purpose was directly exposed, and the silver-haired man's face was fierce momentarily, and finally he was calm again.

"You want to take advantage of the benefits, but you don't pay for the things that are not so good in the world." Xiao Xiao stood up and walked to the door and turned around to warn: "I was willing to let you be a gunman before, but at least I have to have a degree. , You don’t count the following things.” After speaking, he opened the door and went out.

There were people standing on both sides outside, neatly lined up to see him come out, his expression was solemn and the atmosphere was tense.

Xiao Xiao didn't say a word, his eyes flashed on these people's faces, and they left openly.

A group of hypocritical and profit-only politicians is nothing more than a group of politicians who want to make a fortune in the war but do not want to bear infamy. That is such a good thing.


The climate of the subtropical rainforest is changeable. The first moment is still hot and makes people want to undress, the next moment is lightning and thunder. The rain was rushing and violent, and down the mountain, forming many small waterfalls.

The fighting last night continued until the morning. Wang Yi and Craig fought fiercely, and there were sporadic fire and gunfire in the morning. The others continued to move forward as planned. In the afternoon, they had already passed three small towns and over a hill.

Until now, night fell again, and the team of twenty-two people was broken into two groups. After a whole day and night of high-intensity rushing, even an iron-struck body couldn't stand it.

Gu Yunbo was tired into a puddle of mud, lying on a wooden board, outside the window was the patter of rain, accompanied by lightning and thunder, he didn't even have the strength to lift his fingers.

"Wow!" A dilapidated wooden door was pushed open from the outside, and it was Meng Fan in a black raincoat. The entire face was covered by the cape and hat, only showing the perfect chin.

After entering the door, he took off his raincoat and looked at Gu Yunbo, who was lying motionless on the wooden board, with gentle eyes, "Although this rain slowed down our efficiency of action, it also erased the traces we left."

"Yeah!" Gu Yunbo snorted weakly, muttering in his heart. Her physical strength is top notch in the military or in Guoan. Why is she half dead now, and he can still go out to investigate?

People are really maddening than people.

"Not convinced?" How could that little thought in her eyes be hidden from Meng Fan. He did it on the wooden plank, picked her up, and embraced her in his arms.

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