May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 464: very dangerous

"..." He was a ghost. He had known that Huo Dongfeng had turned his elbow away, so he would not bring him. "Is it dangerous?"

Meng Xingzhi nodded, "It's dangerous."

"You..." Yin Nan didn't know what to say when he was so angry, he took a deep breath and said, "What about the Shen family?"

"Shen family what?"

"Ha ha ha... really cunning." He couldn't get used to Meng Xing's polite appearance, "Don't tell me you don't know, Shen Ming has escaped, as far as I know he has not escaped from the northern military area. Yeah!"

He has been staring at Shen Ming these days, but this person disappointed him a bit. It took so long to be able to go south, no wonder Shen Yu is not a match.

Deserve it!

In fact, he came here today, the real purpose is to come for the Shen family, for Shen Ming. Just saying that I want to transfer my cousin back is just deliberately embarrassing Mengxing.

Without embarrassing him first, the latter request can only be easily agreed. He knows that most of the soldiers are deadheaded.

"Oh? Are you sure? How did I hear that Shen Ming had escaped from the encirclement of the Shen family just ten minutes ago!"

Yin Nan couldn't help but glance at Huo Dongfeng, thinking that this is the old cunning.


Yin Yishan

Just after dawn, Craig searched carefully with the minifigures, but in the end he found no one. Later, I did not give up and went to the Wusu River again, but he withdrew from the crossfire on the other side.

"These people seem to have disappeared." Craig stood by the Wusu River and looked at the opposite bank, his eyes cold and hostile. "Jacques, what's the purpose of their coming here?"

"Harassment, I think they should be covering someone." Jacques analyzed: "People on the other side are usually conservative. We have always been provocative, but this time it is very unexpected!"

"You're right." Craig felt inexplicably familiar with the thought of suppressing his firepower last night.

"By the way, Miss, the person you sent to catch Gu Yunbo is back."

Craig looked up fiercely, "Did you catch it?"

"No!" Jacques shook his head. "According to the news we got, that woman should have been expelled by the military by now."

"Expelled?" Craig asked incredulously, "How is it possible?"

"It's true! Otherwise, we can't find people all the time."

"Where is the young commander?"

"All of our mercenaries have not met the young commander in their recent fight with each other." This person is a big killer on the battlefield, but news will definitely come back whenever they encounter it.

According to previous practice, it is impossible for the young commander to hide behind.

Craig's face changed drastically, and she finally thought of what she had overlooked before. If Gu Yunbo's disappearance was due to being expelled by the military, it would be weird that the young commander did not appear.

"Go! Go back to the base camp immediately." Craig cursed, "Damn! The enemies we met in Yin Yishan before must be a cover for their true purpose."

Jacques also thought of something and was busy withdrawing with him.


"Head, did you quarrel with your sister-in-law?" Chu Ji followed Meng Fan all the way, and asked in a low voice. After asking for a long time, Meng Fan ignored him, and he didn't feel bored either.



Chu Ji made persistent efforts, "Head of the group, did my sister-in-law become your leader and don't put you in his eyes?"

Meng Fan's handsome profile gradually became gloomy, but it was a pity that Chu Ji didn't notice it, and continued to say, "Headmaster, I think my sister-in-law is going to usurp power and seize power, you can have a snack!"

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