May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Vol 2 Chapter 465: Changed a lot

"Qingqi." Meng Fan gave an order, and Qiongqi rushed back from the front, raising his paw and looking innocently.

Chu Ji hadn't figured out why the leader was okay and called Qiongqi, but the next sentence almost scared him to death.

"Bite him."

"Woo..." Qiongqi jumped up as tall as a person, and the speed was lightning fast. Fortunately, Chu Ji didn't react slowly, so he ducked in time. If Qiongqi is really thrown down, that little life will be gone.

"I was wrong, I was wrong!" Chu Ji screamed, and the people walking in the front thought that there was an enemy attack, but turned around and almost laughed.

"you deserve it!"

"ask for it."

Everyone's mouth fell into trouble, but it was their own people who wanted to pull Qiongqi while seeking Meng Fan's plea. They already knew that the little hooligans were driven away. Although they weren't from a military area, they were their own people if they followed Guoan.

Everyone sighed in their hearts when the little hooligan was driven away.

"Qingqi, get up!"

"Wow, barking..." Qiuqi wagged his tail arrogantly, and looked at Chu Ji with special contempt before continuing to run forward.

"Head." Chu Ji scratched his head embarrassedly, "I won't talk nonsense anymore."

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand in the future." Meng Fan rubbed his eyebrows and urged everyone to move forward quickly. He thinks more than anyone, and has vaguely guessed Yunbo's true intentions.

Others thought he was sullen and unhappy because Thor was too arrogant and disrespectful of him as a representative of the military, but in fact he was not at all. He was more worried about the decision behind this girl.

He can clearly feel that Yunbo has changed! Be extreme, calm, resolute...

Sacrificing Wang Yi is absolutely impossible for Yunbo to do before. And now she can give orders without blinking her eyes. What's even more frightening is that she has calculated everything so early.

His clouds have changed a lot.

"Wang Wang..." Qiongqi, who ran ahead, turned back again, yelling behind Meng Fan, and even stepped on his paw eagerly.

"What's the matter?" Meng Fan frowned slightly and made a watchful gesture at everyone, "Everyone immediately dispersed and converged at the next meeting place."

The crowd dispersed quietly.

The sparse gunshots were accompanied by the sound of falling to the ground, and the atmosphere in the dense forest was stagnant and tense. The people on the opposite side spoke an unintelligible native language.

"Not a mercenary, what should I do?"

Meng Fan replaced the gun in his hand with a magazine, his eyes calm and focused, "It's a drug dealer, just crush it."



Gu Yunbo and Xin Yue fell far behind, hearing the gunshots in front of them, maintaining their original speed. Xin Yue raised her eyebrows and asked: "Aren't you in a hurry? If I remember well, the person in front should be the young commander, right?"

Gu Yunbo was expressionless, only a cold snort when he heard it.

"Still angry?" Xin Yue said amusedly: "The little gangsters let you drive away. Our Guoan has completely offended the military this time." That is to say, she dare to change to Tu Zheng. The power of the Qin family.

"not at all."

"Then we won't catch up and take a look? The fight was intense!"

"No need!" Gu Yunbo glared at Xin Yue, "It's troublesome, do you think the young commander is the **** in the 96th courtyard?"

"Uh..." Xin Yue knows what it means to lift a rock and hit her in the foot this time. He was dumbfounded by Gu Yunbo's words. Although it is a fact, may not save him face?

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