May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 939: The general staff personally

The chair was energized, and the electric current rushed through when the switch was activated, and Sheng'an trembled violently. She was scared in her heart, her eyes turned black, but she gritted her teeth and endured it, and finally couldn't help but fainted directly with her eyes turned.

"Company commander, she passed out."

"Unexpectedly, someone who looks timid and weak is actually a ruthless character."

Sheng An gritted his teeth and said nothing, which made everyone feel quite surprised.

"What did she just say?"

"What do you say? She just refused to say anything!"

"No!" The company commander recalled carefully, "I remember she just said that she followed whose car into the military compound?"

"It's Su Hai. She said she entered the military area compound in Su Hai's car." The clerk in charge of recording reminded loudly.

Su Hai's reputation in the military region is not as good as it is, but most people know it. The special equipment belongs to the Garrison Command. They are in charge of this area. Of course, they have to figure out all aspects.

"It can not be?"

"It's very likely." Company Commander Liu suddenly felt bad. He didn't know before. Now that he knows, he must ask clearly.

"You, quickly contact the municipal party committee to confirm with Su Hai."

Several people were talking when the door of the interrogation room was knocked suddenly, and the clerk got up to open the door, and the people outside the door were sweating profusely.

"Company Captain Liu is not good, not good."

"What's the matter? Panicked?"

"Just now there was a call from the general counselor, so we immediately released the person who was just arrested."

Company Commander Liu frowned, a little disbelief that this little girl actually had a relationship with the General Staff. "Please call the general staff? Who is it from the general staff?"

"The chief of staff called personally."

When the people inside were taken aback, Company Captain Liu jumped up on the spot, crying out unlucky. The regret in his heart is about to die, but he was tortured just now, and I don't know how to explain it later.


Sheng Ning drove the jeep out of the sense of sight of a racing car, and it was so thrilling all the way, even Su Hai was scared into a cold sweat. It can be seen that Shengning is not familiar with driving, and can only say that he can drive. Dare to open like this, completely relying on the momentum of the heart.

"Don't worry, An An will definitely be fine."

"I'm afraid she will be tortured, I'm afraid she will suffer." This is the most intolerable for Shengning. "I promised my mother to take good care of An An, but it happened the next day after I came to the city. How can I tell my parents? "What can't be explained is her own conscience, she doesn't even dare to think that if something happens to An'an, what should she do?

After rebirth, what she wants is not to live well by herself, but to live well in her family, not repeating the tragedies of her previous life.

"Hailan dares to deal with my sister, so don't blame me for killing her. I won't avenge her, and Shengzi writes it upside down." Sheng Ning said fiercely, stepping on the brakes, and the car drifted to a halt. .

Sheng Ning jumped out of the car, and Su Hai quickly got out of the car and grabbed her.

"It's better not to be impulsive, calm down, this is not a place to make trouble, after you go out, you can make trouble whatever you want." Su Hai pulled others to persuade.

"Huh!" Sheng Ning nodded.

"Bring me here." Su Hai was not sure if the call had been notified in advance, so he took Sheng Ning in first, and everyone he met along the way asked for hello. On the second floor, I came to the overseas activities department.

"Mayor Su, why are you here in person?"

Su Hai calmly said, "Minister Zhu, where's the person? I heard that you arrested my niece. The old man had a heart attack at home, so I made a special visit."

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