May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 940: Take me to pick up

The fat Minister Zhu kept wiping the cold sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief, "I know, come out immediately."

"You even dare to arrest my niece, do you suspect that our entire Su family is an enemy agent?" Su Hai threatened.

"How can it be! Anyone can be an enemy agent, you definitely won't, certainly not." The cold sweat on Minister Zhu's head almost soaked his handkerchief. I scolded Company Captain Liu countless times in my heart. Who would use torture privately?

I have been stunned a lot of other people's well-behaved little girls, and they are still not awake. This time, the hornet's nest was overwhelmed. Not only did the chief of staff intervene personally, but Su Hai directly came to VIP.

Fortunately, Su Jiang was not there. If he was there, he would not block the gate of his garrison headquarters.

Who would have thought that an eighteen-year-old girl who came from such a big background would have to greet the people of the entire military region in the future, but she must not provoke her.

Otherwise, it is easier to ask God to send God away.

"Take me to pick up people." Su Hai knew that there was a ghost in his heart when he watched him procrastinate, "Are you going to be tortured my niece?" I guessed that Su Hai was anxious on the spot and grabbed Minister Zhu. 'S collar, sternly said: "Minister Zhu, do you know the price you have to pay for torture?"

"No, no, how can I do it!" Minister Zhu stood on tiptoe, not daring to struggle, and said with a trembling voice: "I will let Company Captain Liu bring people over, and I will come over immediately."

Sheng Ning endured it by the side, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the fat man in front of him was unreliable, and he was anxious and didn't want to wait for a minute. "Don't take us there yet?"

"This...who is this?" Minister Zhu looked at Sheng Ning with a flattering smile.

"I'm Xu Qigang's wife." Sheng Ning paused, "The detained girl's relatives."

"Huh?" Minister Zhu was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that little girl was actually the sister-in-law of the Living Hades. Fortunately, King Living Hades is still living in the hospital, otherwise he would have had blood mold today.

"Xiaoning!" A deep and pleasant voice sounded from behind.

As soon as Minister Zhu took him away, he just thought that the person in the hospital had already appeared in front of him.

Xu Qigang stood in front, and Chen Yingjie followed behind, holding a black hole in his hand as an alert.

"Why are you here? Who wants you to leave the hospital?" Sheng Ning almost fainted when he heard this voice. He wanted to help Xu Qigang but was cleverly let it go and turned into holding his arm.

"You have had an accident with An An, how can I not come." Xu Qigang's voice is calm, and his body is straight. If he didn't know the specific situation, he would never expect him to have injuries.

"You..." Su Hai was speechless, and finally gave a thumbs-up, "I'm regarded as subduing you." He said that all the soldiers are desperate, and they are more cruel to the enemy.

Xu Qigang didn't even look at Su Hai. An An could lose people when he was a guest at his house. Su Hai was completely blacklisted by Xu Qigang.

Black for a lifetime!

Xu Qigang said with a calm face and a serious expression: "Minister Zhu, the little girl you arrested is my wife's sister. Do you even suspect me as an enemy agent? I don't think so, arrest us all, so you It’s also easy to check. We are close relatives. If you want to catch them, you should catch them all, so that the investigation will be easier."

"How can it be! How could you be an enemy agent." Minister Zhu was almost unable to stand in shock, Su Hai let go and fell directly on the ground.

"Fatty Zhu, I also have a gun in my hand. Would you like to catch me now? It happened to be stolen and taken?" Chen Yingjie turned the gun casually in his hand, and the people watching were frightened.

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