"Chen... Commander Chen, don't be joking, you are specially approved to carry guns with you." Minister Zhu felt his face stiff.

"Xu... Commander Xu, please don't make jokes, don't make jokes. I'm timid and can't stand the fright. You are a fighting hero, and I doubt no one dares to doubt you. If this goes out, I guess I will go They are all covered in sack." This is a combat hero who has made great achievements for our army. Everyone in the military region dared to doubt, and even if he did not dare to doubt the Living Hades.

Not to mention that one, two and three leaders will not let him go, even countless soldiers will tear him up. I really saw a ghost, how could I provoke this evil spirit?

The Living Hades has always been low-key and never provokes disputes. This time I ran into his hands, and it was really **** for eight lifetimes.

Su Hai sneered, "You are too high on yourself. If you dare to catch him today, you can be kicked tomorrow."

"Yes, yes..." Minister Zhu repeatedly wiped cold sweat.

"Why are you still rubbing?" Xu Qigang sullen his face, suddenly lifted Minister Zhu's fat figure in the air, turned and walked outside.

"Head, should I come? To deal with such a waste, how can it be done by you personally." Chen Yingjie looked excited and eager to try.

"No." Xu Qigang shook his head.

"Keep up, King Living Hades knows where the interrogation room is. He is more familiar than me here." Su Hai reminded Sheng Ning that the two followed Xu Qigang all the way to the interrogation room.

When passing by the corridor, people who came and went looked at him in horror, and stopped moving.

There was a tall man with a devilish expression. After rubbing his eyes to make sure he was right, he stepped forward and said, "Head Xu, I will come and leave the matter like you are seriously injured."

"Yeah!" Xu Qigang let go, and Minister Zhu's fat body was thrown to the ground with a thump, making a loud noise, and a layer of dust was stirred up on the floor tiles.

The tall man moved his wrists, smiled grinningly at Minister Zhu, and easily picked him up. "Aren't you looking for death? Did you arrest someone who shouldn't be arrested?"

"I was wronged! I was really wronged." Minister Zhu wanted to die. "It was sent by someone else and the gun was detected."

"We will find out about the guns and give you an explanation. Don't worry!" Xu Qigang's cold eyes swept across Minister Zhu, and he couldn't help shaking his head in fright.

"No. No need to explain it, really no need. Let's go find someone right away, and go right now." He was really hell, and he would be lucky.

From the beginning, when Sheng Ning saw Xu Qigang picking up the fat man, his heart was lifted high. Seeing the tall man taking it over, he immediately leaned against Xu Qigang and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay? Is it painful? Is there any discomfort?"

Xu Qigang didn't speak, but patted her arm comfortingly.

In the interrogation room, Sheng An was still not awake, the doctor was giving first aid, and Liu Company was anxious and sweating profusely.

"How is it? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, what can I do right away?" The doctor said calmly, "Captain Liu, you can torture even Shen Yu half-dead, why are you so concerned about a little girl today?"

"Don't say it, this time it's blood mold and hard stubble. This little girl has a deep background, and was caught by a group of short-eyed **** as enemy agents. It's really unlucky for his grandma. My old Liu is in the dark."

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