Company Commander Liu took off his military cap anxiously, and urged: "You hurry up, let someone wake up, and Minister Zhu is urging someone!"

"The little girl was frightened, and was powered by your electricity again, so I couldn't bear to faint. I have already received the injection, and I will wake up tomorrow if I take a good rest."

"What tomorrow? You are going to kill me, I want her to wake up immediately, hurry up."

"Oh oh... you wait for me to come right away..."

Before the doctor had spoken, the door of the interrogation room was kicked open, and then Minister Zhu's huge body flew in.

The people inside looked like hell.

Sheng Ning glanced at Sheng An lying on the emergency bed, buzzing in her mind, as if countless bees were flying. She pushed everyone away and rushed in immediately.

"An An, how are you An An? An An wakes up." Sheng Ning panicked to grab An An's hand and found that her hand was cold and scary, and tears welled out uncontrollably.

The situation of the previous life appeared in front of him, almost unable to withstand fainting.

"An An, don't scare me, wake up, wake up! Don't scare sister, sister will never ask you to give things away again." Sheng Ning was really frightened, she thought of the previous life when An'an died Look like. The skinny skinny, lying alone in a thin skin coffin.

In such a scene, every time she thinks about it, she feels painful.

"She's okay, she just went into a coma after being electrocuted for a while." The doctor was frightened by Sheng Ning's appearance and hurriedly explained.

Sheng Ning glared at Minister Zhu fiercely, and stepped forward with a kick on his stomach, "You wait for me. If there is something to my sister, I will kill you."

"Yes, yes..." Minister Zhu felt that he was more wronged than Dou E.

Seeing Sheng Ning's appearance, Xu Qigang's heartache was like a knife twist, and he remembered the person who framed An An in his heart.

"Xiaoning calm down, An An is fine, we will take her to the hospital immediately."

"Good..." Sheng Ning wiped her tears in a panic, trying to hug An An, but was suddenly stopped by a strong arm.

"I'm coming!" Qin Yue's face was gloomy, and he stopped Sheng Ning and picked up An An without saying a word.

He came to receive news at the latest, and at the latest. Although the situation is still unclear, it may not hurt his desire to kill. When passing in front of Company Commander Liu, he kicked the opponent severely.

His strength is naturally incomparable to ordinary people, and Liu's tall body instantly flew out and hit the iron railing fiercely. The iron railing with thick fingers was smashed and deformed.


The group drove to the hospital in two cars, Qin Yue was alone, and Su Hai once again saw what a real speed car was along the way. That technique is simply breathtaking, and it took others far away in less than three minutes.

When Shengning and the others rushed to the hospital, An An was checked and moved to the ward. Right next door to Xu Qigang, it happened to be connected to the three wards on the left and right of Chen Yingjie.

"How? Are you okay?" Sheng Ning asked eagerly.

"It's okay!" Qin Yue lit a cigarette with a cold face. Xu Qigang gave him a fierce look before throwing the cigarette on the ground and stamping it out with his feet.

"The doctor checked, don't worry! You can wake up at night."

Sheng Ning pushed everyone away, rushed to the bed, looked at An An on the hospital bed, and then let go of the hanging heart. Fortunately, it's okay!

"An'an, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you this hatred." He turned around and left.

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