May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 953: Someone wants to grab my sister

"If you accidentally, then write a 1,000-word review! Remember to write carefully, not to be lazy, and I will have people post it on the newspaper reading column if you write well!"

"Thank you, Master." Sheng Ning saluted a military salute and said sincerely: "There is one more thing."

"You said."

"My sister was arrested and said that she found a pistol on her body. I believe that the pistol is definitely not hers. It must have been planted and framed. She has just entered the city for less than two days. How could she have a pistol? This matter It must be found out, and my sister is innocent."

"Yeah!" Shen Feihu's expression was a bit more serious than before, "This is not a conflict between your little girls, it's harmless. You really have to check it out, if you don't say we will check it."

Many people now put their sights on the extra pistol. Now that it was determined that Sheng'an could not be an enemy agent, the origin of the pistol became the key.

"Master, you don't need to investigate. We will send the evidence to your desk, and you can just clinch it." Qin Yue folded his chest and half-leaned against the wall, looking a little lazy. Compared with other soldiers with a straight posture, his movements seem fluent.

"it is good!"

After a few people finished speaking, Shen Feihu took Liang Ximing to the outside of the intensive care unit and looked inside for a while through the transparent glass. I was sure that there was no life-threatening danger, but I fell asleep after being taken by the doctor, and then I went upstairs to talk to the dean with the doctor in peace.

Qin Yue also left, moving his wrist before leaving, and blinked with Sheng Ning.

This frivolous action made Sister Guo jumped angrily, "Huh! It really is a little hooligan, well-deserved."

Sheng Ning understood the meaning in his eyes, this was not teasing herself. This is to tell her that she will be optimistic about An An and he will come back tonight.

Suddenly someone wants to take away my sister, what should I do?

"Shengning, you haven't eaten yet?" Sister Guo asked kindly.

As soon as he talked about this, Sheng Ning's stomach rang unconvincingly, "Yeah!" I have been busy with things before lunch at noon.

"Then you go to our cafeteria and get something to eat first, we'll be watching here! Don't worry."

Because of an incident of an important patient sneaking away, the entire hospital was completely wiped out. The dean hasn't shown up until now, it is said that he is answering the phone in the office.

As for the content of the call, it goes without saying. Therefore, guards have been strengthened on this floor. Sister Guo has four nurses under her, who are responsible for these two wards. Even An An has a little nurse guarding him at all times.

"Yeah! Thank you." Sheng Ning went to the cafeteria to have a meal. At 3:30 in the afternoon, the food in the cafeteria was already cold, and she hurried back after taking two bites. When I arrived at the door of An'an's room, I found that my parents-in-law had returned.

"Mom, have you ever been scared? It's okay, don't worry." As soon as she saw her mother-in-law, Sheng Ning's strong coat completely disintegrated. He originally wanted to appease Zhao Lanzhi, but he cried in her arms first.

Zhao Lanzhi was distressed to death, "These people who kill a thousand knives are really disgusting."

"That's, it really doesn't work, let's go back to the countryside." Xu Xianxiong also has no affection for the city. "No wonder my mother-in-law doesn't want to come to the city. It really is sinister."

"Don't say a few words." Zhao Lanzhi gave him a white glance. An An was originally brought to the city secretly. If your mother-in-law knew it, she wouldn't feel bad about it?

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