"My fault, my fault." Xu Xianxiong apologized immediately.

"Father, you are right. But I was also wrong, because I didn't protect An An."

"Don't blame yourself, you will do well in the future. This time it was just an accident."

Sheng Ning wiped away her tears and said firmly: "I will protect An'an in the future, and such things will never happen."

"Don't cry, wipe your tears. If Qigang sees it, I'm probably not happy." Zhao Lanzhi knows how much his son is protecting his shortcomings. If he sees Ningning crying like this, he won't be angry.

"Father, mom, have you eaten yet?"

"I ate two bites in the compound, but didn't eat it."

"Then I will take you to the cafeteria to have some."

"No, I'm not hungry now."

"Then if you are hungry, you can go anytime. There is also a restaurant outside where you can eat at five o'clock." Sheng Ning took out five ten yuan bills from her body and stuffed them into Zhao Lanzhi's hands. You don’t have enough money, I’ll give it to you. I’m going out to do something now, so you should guard them both first."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to deal with something, and I'll be back soon."

"Then you pay attention to safety."

"rest assured."

Sheng Ning went to the bathroom to wash her face, re-tied her hair with a rubber band, and then tucked it on top of her head a few times. It seems that you have to cut your hair short in the future, so that it is convenient to fight again.

Out of the gate of the hospital, Su Huaian was standing under the steps, looking up at her.

"Going to Bayi Hospital?"

"how do you know?"

"Where does Hailan live, can I not know?" Su Huai'an said helplessly, "You and Chen Huaying are really good friends, and your ideas are surprisingly consistent."

"Chen Huaying also went?"

"Yeah!" Su Huai'an nodded, "When I heard the news at school, let me tell you to wait for you at Bayi Hospital." After speaking, seeing her eyes red, her temperament changed immediately.

"Are you crying?"

"It's okay." Sheng Ning rubbed her eyes indifferently, and was afraid of making her eyes redder, so she didn't dare to use force.

"I'll take you to August 1st."

Sheng Ning stared at him in surprise, as if he had only met Su Huaian first.

"What are you looking at?" Su Huai'an asked angrily, "My cousin has been tricked, so I can't help the scene?" If Hailan wasn't a woman, he wanted to beat people up.

"If you go in person, you will represent your uncle's position."

"Oh!" Su Huaian was noncommittal and took Sheng Ning into the car he had driven from school.


The General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army and the Bayi Hospital are a bit far away, and the car only took an hour to arrive. The sun is almost set when it arrives. Chen Huaying and Lu Dabao were sitting on the doorstep.

Standing behind them, Liu Yilan's fair face had three scars, but they were much shallower than before. Although it is still obvious, it is definitely not as ugly and scary as it was at the beginning.

After the Chinese New Year, she has been actively receiving Chinese medicine treatment and applied many ointments. The effect is still there, I believe it will become weaker and lighter as time goes by.

The gaze of pedestrians will involuntarily be placed on Liu Yilan, or it may be a pity, surprise, or contempt... there are all kinds of things. But she still stood upright, unmoved.

With her elegant temperament, she seemed to be completely separated from the people around her. The more those people looked at her, the more they would marvel in their hearts. Even if there are scars on her face, it does not compromise her beauty.

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