May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 986: A letter of recommendation

She seems to be caught in a huge wave, she has no self-consciousness at all...

God knows how much Xu Qigang longs for her, how many quiet nights have been clamoring for her crazily. Her body, her heart, everything about her.


The next day, Shengning woke up from aches all over the body. To say that it is soreness is not enough to describe her pain, it should be said that she was crushed back and forth countless times by the stone crushing of the rural threshing.

She felt that her body was not her own anymore, her legs trembled constantly, and she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Awake?" A pleasant voice rang above his head, and a handsome face reflected in his pupils.

Sheng Ning could even see in his deep eyes that he had been loved so badly by a man, with bruise hickeys on his neck and arms. She lifted the collar of her dress in despair and peeked inside.

Ah... beasts.

The hickeys are almost dense, even on the chest.

A faint smile flashed in someone's eyes, and his handsome face said very solemnly: "Xiao Ning, are you hungry?" The serious tone seemed as if he did not do these things.

"Xu Qigang." Sheng Ning shouted.

"What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable? I said you have to make up for it, otherwise you will definitely not be able to take it, you still don't believe it."

"..." Is this just getting cheaper and selling well? That's disgusting.

Sheng Ning wanted to sit up, but because of lack of energy to sit halfway, she fell down again.

"Don't get up, take a good rest."

"No. I'm here to take care of you. Then there is no reason why you have gotten up, and I haven't gotten up yet." She glanced at the clock on the wall, God! It's noon.

"I called Su Huai'an to take my parents out to play, it's over, it's over..." She hurriedly got up, stepped on the ground softly, and fortunately Xu Qigang quickly supported her with his eyes and hands.

"how about it?"

"not very good!"

Xu Qigang was not angry, but smiled in a good mood. The smiling spring breeze was proud, and he could see that he was a seriously injured person, and his condition was countless times better than Shengning.

"Don't worry, Su Huaian came early in the morning, and he took his parents and An An out to play long ago."

"Then... Then they all know it?" Sheng Ning felt that he had never lost such a big face since he was a child.

"No, I told them that you were very busy during this time and you were a little uncomfortable yesterday."

After hearing Xu Qigang's words, Sheng Ning finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You killed me." She decided to go back to the guest house to sleep tonight, and resolutely set aside the line with the wolf who was not fed enough.

"Hurry up and wash, prepare to eat, I will let Chen Yingjie go to the cafeteria to help you with the meal."

"You let him go for a meal? He is still a patient!"

"It's okay!" Xu Qigang and Chen Yingjie had never put this injury in their eyes. If it weren't for the compulsory request of the commander and army commander, the two of them had been discharged early.

They both died in the Soviet Union at that time, they did not die in the emergency room, and now they are even more immortal. What does it mean for a man to shed a little blood?

"...I can already imagine what it would look like when Sister Guo was getting angry with Qiqiao." She sympathized with Sister Guo silently for a minute.


General Staff, Haiyunbing Office

"Chief of Staff, this letter of recommendation was written by Fatty Zhu of the Security Command. I think you can read it." The confidential secretary came in with a letter in his hand.

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