May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 987: The back door cannot be opened

Hai Yunbing looked up, "Fatty Zhu has never recommended anyone! When did he learn the bureaucracy?" Minister Zhu is his wife's cousin, although Xinwen has never contacted him since his death. But with this friendship, Hai Yunbing wanted to give him some face.

"I don't know, maybe it was stimulated?"

"Who does he recommend? If it's not bad, then go ahead!"

"You never think of this person!" The confidential secretary was extremely confident.

Haiyunbing can become the chief of staff of the General Staff, not by going through the back door, but by his true strength. He is nicknamed as a fortune teller in the army, and any military activities will be reviewed and evaluated by him.

Like usual things, if he predicts in advance, the accuracy rate is 99%.

"I don't think it is necessary?" Hai Yunbing lowered his head, looking at the map. The dense warp and weft threads and various military distributions above make the whole paper look like a huge, messy ball of yarn.

But he can find the key points from this, every line, every mark is vivid in his eyes.

The confidential secretary smiled mysteriously, "You can guess the chief of staff."

Hai Yunbing looked up at him and said in thought: "It can show you a gloating and funny expression. Then this person recommended by Fatty Zhu is worth pondering."

The confidential secretary stopped smiling immediately and looked serious.

"Could it be related to the person he was beaten the other day?"

The confidential secretary couldn't help showing a surprised expression, and then gave a thumbs up, "Chief of Staff, you are really good, please see the details."

He put the letter on the table, Hai Yunbing opened it easily, and his face changed slightly after scanning through it.

"what happened?"

"Fatty Zhu actually recommended Sheng An? Which Sheng Ning's sister was arrested as a spy the other day."

"Yeah! Fatty Zhu was beaten for this a few days ago, and in turn recommended Sheng An to enter our general staff." This person, is his brain damaged?

Is the General Staff so easy to enter?

Hai Yunbing threw the letter on the table, "He twirled this boastful smallpox called Sheng'an in the letter of recommendation, saying it was a wizard."

"Where is there a wizard in the world." The confidential secretary disagreed and said: "The amazing memory and analytical skills like you are also acquired through unremitting hard work and exercise. How can anyone be born with this talent? "

Hai Yunbing also didn't agree with Minister Zhu's behavior, "Perhaps Fatty Zhu did this because he caught Sheng'an and felt uneasy in his heart!"

"Then he will do nothing more. With the Su family, what else do you need him to make up for?"

"Rejected." Hai Yunbing said without hesitation: "This back door cannot be opened. A little girl entering our general staff is just a mess." He originally thought he recommended someone from the Security Command, but he didn't expect...

When did Dashan become such a mess?

And the Su family and the Hai family are still investigating because of Sheng'an's affairs! Although he stayed out of the matter, there was no reason to make his brother unhappy.


As soon as the confidential secretary left, the company commander of Hai Yunbing's guard arrived.


"Come in."

Hai Yunbing saw that Ji Lijun came with him. At present, these two men are specifically responsible for finding Bao'er. The guard company commander is assigned to himself, and Ji Lijun is assigned to his father.

"chief of staff."

"chief of staff."

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