Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 243: Girls also have moments of hard work that they don’t want boys to see!

Shimura family, Hendokan.

"Leave it to me," A Miao smiled and looked at Kagura across the table, then picked up a glass of Haagen-Dazs, "If you want to lose weight, I recommend this, the Haagen-Dazs weight loss method!"

Looking at the somewhat confused Kagura across the table, A Miao explained: "The ordinary food therapy weight loss method requires fasting and losing weight at the same time. It is very hard, isn't it? But if it is this, there is no need to work hard, you can lose weight while eating , just eat an ice cream with the meal. This will form a membrane on the stomach, which will inhibit the absorption of anything you eat afterwards, isn’t it amazing?”

"Ah, that's awesome Aru..." Looking at A Miao who was more than three times bigger in size in front of her, Kagura reluctantly twitched her lips and agreed.


[Now I finally understand that there is no easy way to lose weight. Also, anyone who comes up with this method of neglect will definitely gain weight. ] Kagura looked at A Miao in front of her and thought to herself.

At this time, Jiang Cheng, who was standing on the wall of A Miao's house, said happily: "That's great~ I thought Kagura-chan was flushed away in the toilet~ I didn't expect that she is here."

As he said that, Jiang Cheng looked at Shinbaji who was standing aside, "Although it's a bit presumptuous, what is that pile of creatures sitting across from Kagura-chan? Is it some new brand of pork?"

But just after he finished speaking, Jiang Chengcheng was hit by the ashtray thrown by A Miao.

"That's my sister." Xin Bajia replied expressionlessly.

"Please tell me earlier next time..." Jiang Cheng said while getting up.

"Ara, aren't these Jiang Chengsang and Yin Sang?" A Miao covered her face and looked at the three people in her yard with a surprised expression.

"Uh, hello." After Jiang Cheng said hello, he leaned close to Shinpashi's ear and whispered, "Hey, what's wrong with your sister? Why does she suddenly look like this?"

"Actually, I just discovered that..." Xinbachi adjusted his glasses and replied in a low voice with an expressionless face, "Maybe it's because I'm gaining weight little by little but I didn't notice..."

"I see." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Humph, we've found the person, let's go back." Gintoki said nonchalantly, picking his nose.

"That voice! It's Yin Sang!" Xiao Yuan's surprised voice suddenly came from the ceiling above A Miao's head, "Yin Sang! It's me!"

But then, the ceiling above A Miao suddenly cracked, and the little ape fell down, hitting the table directly.

"We're in trouble again..." Gintoki muttered, holding his forehead.

"What is that? A new brand of pork?" Jiang Cheng pointed at the little ape that was trampling the table and asked A Miao, "By the way, your family raises pigs on the ceiling. It's incredible."

"Maybe I'm too hungry. I might have gone to the ceiling to find something to eat." A Miao explained with a smile, and then suddenly thought of something, "It's not easy for Jiang Chengsang and Yin Sang to come here today, why don't I treat you to a treat?" How about some roasted pork belly?"

"Who are you calling a sow!" The little ape stood up and cursed, "Only Yin Sang can call a sow! It's Yin Sang's pet name for me!"

"There is no such setting at all! You sow!" Gintoki scolded with rolled eyes, "By the way, now you have really turned into a sow!"

"Ah~ scold me more~ I'm starting to get excited!" A honey blush appeared on the little ape's face.

"It seems that the afternoon tea is ready for today," A Miao said with a smile, then looked at Xin Bajia and shouted: "Xinjiang, prepare the ingredients for roasting the pork belly~"

"Sister, that's Miss Kozaru," Shinpachi rolled his eyes and replied expressionlessly, "Although the size has become much larger, there is no doubt that that is Miss Kozaru."

"Ah, it's true." A Miao covered her mouth and pretended to be surprised.

"What kind of attitude do you have! You obviously did it on purpose!" Xiao Yuan scolded, then folded his hands and snorted, smiling disdainfully: "Miss A Miao, you're done! You can still be the one you love with a body like that. Your Highness, Princess? Even Yin Sang’s arm will be broken off in an instant! Don’t worry, from now on, leave Yin Sang’s happiness to me!”

"Speaking of which... Miss Kozaru, you don't have the right to say this," Shinbaji complained expressionlessly, "Please find a scale to weigh yourself first."

"I can accept it!" Kondo's voice suddenly came from the closet nearby, "I can accept it even if Miss A Miao becomes like this!"

Everyone present fell silent when they saw Kondo walking out of the closet.

But Kondo didn't notice the subtle atmosphere around him, and continued to hold his hands and said: "It doesn't matter! Even if Miss A Miao becomes like this, I don't mind! Even if Miss A Miao breaks her arm, I don't mind! No, not just It’s the arms, I don’t mind even if it’s the whole body! This is my love for Miss A Miao!”

After hearing this, A Miao walked towards Kondo with a smile on her face...

Looking at Kondo who was lying on the ground, rolling his eyes and not knowing whether he was alive or dead, Jiang Cheng looked at Shinbaji who was standing aside with an expressionless face: "Hey, you must have too many animals like this in your house. There are even orangutans."

"No, that's Kondo-san." Shinpachi replied expressionlessly.

Jiang Cheng: "..."

"Let me explain in advance, I am different from you!!" Xiao Yuan glanced at A Miao and Kagura beside him, snorted, then put down his hand and stroked his belly, and explained with a tender face, "The inside of this belly , is Yin Sang’s child… hmm!”

Before Xiao Yuan could finish speaking, he was kicked directly in the stomach by A Miao, who was smiling. The little ape spit it out directly after this blow.

Looking at the mosaic of the little ape's vomit on the ground, A Miao clapped with a smile on her face: "Oh, you gave birth to a slimy baby, congratulations."

"It's really boring, let's go." With that said, Gintoki was the first to turn around and leave.

"Kagura-chan, do you want to leave?" Jiang Cheng asked, looking at Kagura who was sitting with his head lowered and not knowing what he was thinking.

"No Aru!" Kagura raised her head and said seriously, "I have decided! I must lose weight Aru! No matter what method I use, I must lose weight Aru!"

After hearing this, Jiang Cheng raised his lips and said, "Really? Then work hard."

After saying that, Jiang Cheng also turned around and left.

"Sorry, sister, I still have work today. I'll leave first." Xin Baji said hello to A Miao and then turned and left.

"In that case, let's work hard together! Kagura-chan!" A Miao looked at Kagura with a smile, and then took out an advertisement from her arms.

Looking at the advertisement it says: [Fast Dojo! It only takes a week to get you back in good shape! 】, Kagura and Xiaozai's eyes lit up.

"Let's go together, Kagura-chan." A Miao said with a smile.

"Oh! Big sister!" Kagura responded enthusiastically.

Five days later, Wanshiwuwu.

After a loud bang, Jiang Cheng's voice sounded.

"How was it?! Are you back?!"

Looking at the door that turned into ruins again, Gintoki lowered his head and murmured, "I'm telling many times has this happened?! Why can't you open the door and come in? I feel so tired. ah……"

"This is already the twentieth time Jiang Chengsang has come in the past five days," Xin Bajio complained expressionlessly on the side, "It is also the twentieth time our door has been blasted."

"Yasang-san," Gintoki raised his head and looked at Shinpatsu who was opposite him and suggested, "How about we don't install a door in our house in the future? Anyway, as long as there is this guy, the door in our house has no meaning at all..."

"That makes sense..." Xinbajiu echoed expressionlessly.

"I said, aren't you two worried?" Jiang Cheng frowned and complained, "That kind of [Hunger Strike Dojo] sounds like a black dojo that doesn't even have a business license, so you guys Aren’t you worried about Kagura-chan being bullied?!”

"How is that possible?" Gintoki waved his hand disapprovingly, "After all, Kagura is not the kind of Lord who would be wronged."

"That's right, Jiang Cheng-san," Shinpachi also looked at Jiang Cheng and consoled him, "Kagura-chan is not the kind of character who keeps silent after being bullied. And didn't my sister go there too? I believe that my sister will take good care of her."

"But..." Jiang Cheng's expression became serious, "What if it's that kind of black-hearted processing factory that gathers those women in the name of [weight loss dojo] but actually turns them into pork belly and serves them on the table?!"

"Hey! Don't say such terrible things!" Gintoki scolded, "It's true, I just ate pork belly yesterday, and I feel a little nauseous when you say that..."

"Are you too?!" Jiang Cheng said in shock, "Actually, I am too! I don't dare to eat braised pork these days! After seeing it, I felt like I could hear Kagura-chan's screams."

"What do you think of your niece..." Gintoki was a little speechless, but then he sighed softly and suggested: "Wouldn't it be better to take a sneak peek? If you are really worried."

"But..." Jiang Cheng's expression became tangled.

"But?" Xin Baji asked doubtfully.

"So you can only be a virgin," Gintoki looked at Shinpachi and waved his hands and said casually, "So-called girls also have moments of hard work that they don't want boys to see, especially when it comes to losing weight. Yes, it's all done secretly. All girls want to hear is boys complimenting their bodies."

"What do you mean?" Xin Bajia was still puzzled.

"What a slow person," Gintoki curled his lips, "I mean, girls like to hear "Your figure is really great" more than "You worked really hard when you lost weight". Such words!"

"Hey?! Are you still saying that?" Xin Baji was shocked.

"Of course," Gintoki pursed his lips, "So, it's best not to do anything. When Kagura and your sister come back, just try to praise them a few times. They will definitely be happy. "

Two days later, Wanshiwuwu.

Seeing Kagura who was thinner than before, with dull eyes, and a body that looked hollowed out, Jiang Cheng, Gintoki and Shinpachi all fell silent.

"Rather than complimenting me, to be honest, I want to know what happened..." Shinbachi murmured.

"Don't ask! Shinpachi!" Gintoki said, holding his hands, "Don't ask anything! Just praise!"

"A piece of potato chip... a powerful laxative... slightly salty..." Kagura kept murmuring, and laughed from time to time...

"Hey! Does this situation really not matter?!" Shinpachi yelled, "No matter how you look at the current situation, something is wrong!"

"That's enough!" Gintoki patted Shinpachi on the shoulder, shook his head and said.

"To celebrate Kagura-chan's successful weight loss, uncle, let me treat you to a barbecue!" Jiang Cheng suggested with a smile.

"Really Aru?!" Kagura's eyes instantly became colored.

"Hey, he's resurrected." Shinpachi complained expressionlessly, "He came to life just by hearing the barbecue! This is too fast! Such a speed of resurrection!"

"It seems that our Kagura-chan cannot be judged by common sense..." Gintoki curled his lips and said.

"Yes..." Looking at

(Lose weight, end.)

(Sorry, I'm late. A chapter I coded at noon was swallowed up by the computer. Well... maybe it wasn't swallowed up, but I just forgot to save it... I almost lost my mind. PS: I want to know that Kagura is in the fasting dojo What happened? Please move to episode 91 of the TV version. I’m too lazy to write, and it’s too late to write. In short, it’s very hard...)

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