Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 310: Letters from readers must be taken seriously!

"Hey! Do you just cook with that kind of mood every day?! The difference is too big!" Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and shouted, "Is it true?! All the food given to me is stale! Are they all ingredients that are about to go bad?!"

Rilun smiled and said nothing.

Yue Yong took a gentle sip of tea and said coldly: "It's enough for a good-for-nothing otaku. It's no different from trash anyway."

"What did you say?!" Jiang Cheng slapped the table and stood up.

"Stop the quarrel, stop the quarrel, it's time for the next letter." Haruta quickly persuaded, then picked up an envelope from the table again, opened it, and unfolded the letter paper, "This is OOO-san from OOO planet, [Speaking] The last moments of Kenshin...]"

"Hey!! Stop it, you bastard!" Jiang Cheng snatched the letter paper from Qingta's hand, tearing it into pieces with burst veins, and shouted unbearably: "Why! How many times do you have to send the wrong letter! Please send it directly to the Ghost Soldiers, you bastard!"

(PS: The prototype of Kawagami Mansai of Oni Soldiers is Kawakami Hikosai, who is also the prototype of the hero of Rurouni Kenshin: Himura Kenshin.)

"Well, don't be angry, Brother Jiang Cheng, maybe it's just that my hands were shaking and I sent it by mistake." Haruta smiled awkwardly and comforted.

"It's true, everyone is like this. It's really annoying." Jiang Cheng sat down again, folded his hands and muttered something unhappy.

Qingta opened another letter, glanced at it, and shouted to Jiang Cheng with a look of surprise, "Jiang Cheng-san, this letter has normal content! Look at it quickly!"

"Really?" Jiang Cheng took the letter over with a look of disbelief, "OOO-chan from OOO, [may be the creator of this fake Gintama, hello. In fact, I have always had a question. I always feel that Jianghua It’s somewhat similar to Yue Yong’s character. Both of them wear cheongsam, and when they appear, they both hold cigarette sticks. Can you explain this?]

After reading the contents of the letter, Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked at the camera with a smile on his face: "OOO-chan, we already know your doubts. So, for this kind of problem, we ask you to work part-time on the Gintama crew next door. Yueyue will answer."

With that said, Jiang Cheng looked at Yue Yong who was standing aside, smiled and said, "Yueyue, please give me some answers."

Yue Yong was holding the teacup. She paused for a few seconds before putting the teacup back on the table. She coughed twice, straightened her body, looked at the camera and said, "This..."


Next letter. "Jiang Guo interrupted decisively.

Just after he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng received two kunai on his forehead. After this blow, Jiang Cheng fell down with white eyes.

"Brother Jiang Cheng, stop interrupting other people's speeches." Haruta complained softly.

"Who cares!" Jiang Cheng sat up and yelled with blue veins and white eyes, "How on earth should you answer that kind of question?! I'm just helping her relieve her embarrassment! Please send this kind of letter directly to the original author How can we cultivate if we go to the orangutan?"

"No, it's not me who's embarrassed." Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng lightly and said.

"Skip! Skip this question!" Jiang Cheng shouted quickly, "Next letter! Next letter! It's up to you to read it, Qingta."

"Oh... oh." Haruta responded, then picked up an envelope again and opened it, "This letter is from OO-chan from Master House, [Hey, I always feel that that good-for-nothing otaku is interested in me. The niece’s care is not enough. At least, the monthly pocket money should be multiplied by ten, right? The readers are very distressed~ So, where is the most lovable niece in the universe who is really pitiable~]"

"Hey, this OO is not necessary at all!" Jiang Cheng complained crazily, "It's just me! I just want to ask for an increase in my pocket money through letters from readers! I'm too selfish!"

"Well, this," Haruta said, picked up another letter and started to write, "OO-san from the Kuai O team, [Jiang Chengjun, I haven't contacted you for a long time, how are you doing recently? I'm still the same as before. , traveling across the universe, the universe is really great. Ah! Little continent! Don’t step there! It’s going to be broken... broken... So, back to the topic, I actually have something very important to say to you when I write today. , Actually, when I went to Hualiu Street before, I was the one who paid the final bill. I heard from Wig before that Jin Shi still thinks that he paid the bill to this day. You must not be deceived by him. Oh. And that time I called a travel girl for door-to-door service, and it was me in the end...]"

"Hey! What on earth is this idiot thinking about? Because he hasn't appeared for a long time, is he using this method to gain a sense of presence?!" Jiang Chengsheng raised his head and shouted helplessly, then looked at Yue Yong and Ri Lun. , "Hey, don't look at me like a scumbag! I don't know! I don't know anything!"

"Am I the only one who is curious about which part of Sakamoto-san's body was broken?" Haruta asked quietly in confusion, but then, Haruta noticed that there were words on the back of the envelope and quickly turned it over, "[ps : In fact, I recently came to a planet called Oppai Star to do business, and had a friendly exchange with the chief here. ps of ps: But as we talked, the other party actually said that he knew you. It was really a miracle. Speaking of you Have you ever been to the universe before? You met such a beautiful big sister and didn’t tell us, really. ps ps ps: The other party asked me to give you some souvenirs, and I put them in the envelope together. ]"

After listening, the cold sweat on Jiang Cheng's face suddenly fell down. He slowly turned his head mechanically, looked at Haruta aside, and asked intermittently: "Then... that, Haru... Haruta-kun, do you have anything?" Hear any strange noises in the envelope?”

"Ah, yes, it sounds like a clock, it keeps ticking." Haruta answered after holding the envelope and listening carefully.

After hearing this, Jiang Cheng stood up with sweat on his face, grabbed the envelope and threw it out of the window. But before Jiang Cheng could let go, the envelope exploded...

boom! ! !

Jiang Cheng, who was dark-skinned and had an afro, sat back on the table expressionlessly.

Qingta twitched the corners of his eyes and looked at Jiang Cheng, who was silent at the side. Nichirin was still holding tea with a smile on his face. As for Yue Yong on the side, her face was cold and disdainful.

"Um, brother Jiang Cheng?" Qingta asked tentatively in a low voice.

"Don't ask anything!" Jiang Cheng raised his hand to stop him, "Looking at the future and not being burdened by the past is the way for a man to survive! Next one! Hurry up!"

"Oh..." Haruta carefully picked up an envelope again, "This is from Space Captain O-san from Akihabara. [Has the Katsura Strengthening Week finalized by the production team not started yet? Elizabeth and I have been waiting outside the set field…】"

"I don't even remember that the production team has such a thing! Is he an idiot?!" Jiang Chengsheng yelled helplessly, "What kind of letters from readers! The last few letters are all from acquaintances! Why?!"

"And this one..." Haruta picked up a letter again, "Kyuubei from Edo, [Um, Sir Enchari, if you have time, let's discuss again the last issue about Oppai and [ The topic of beep——], I’ve actually been a little confused recently...]”

"Isn't there even silence this time?!" Jiang Cheng held his forehead and said in despair: "What are these idiots thinking about every day? They just want to take advantage of the camera! Absolutely! Rao! Just let me go..."

Haruta picked up a letter again: "And this one, the hunter of Miss Ami's love from Edo, [Production team, how are the discussions about the wedding proposal between Isao Kondo and Miss Ami? My [Beep——] I’m always ready to make a move, ready at any time.]”

"That's a gorilla!!"

"And this one," Haruta picked up another one, "from Miss OO, the proprietress of Master House in Edo Kabukicho, [When will Gin-san and I make a decision on our wedding trip? The two of us have already We are completely ready~ Ginsang’s [Beep——] and [Beep——], and my [Beep——] and [Beep——], they stick together like glue every day...]”

"Why did the sow escape in the end?!" Jiang Cheng collapsed and shouted.

Haruta: "This letter is from Tojo Ayumu, [Speaking of which, the young master is indeed the most suitable for gothic lolita outfits.]"

"Hey! Is it over yet?! This can't be considered trustworthy anymore, right?! What does he think of this place? Ins?! Is it a BBS where you can share your feelings?!" Jiang Cheng complained crazily.

Haruta: "And this one, from Miss Fallen Angel of Hell in Edo, [Starting from next month, I will ask for ten times more roles, otherwise... I will kill you! PS: There is something I just made in the envelope." A good omelet must be eaten while it’s hot.】”

"This is completely a threat!!"

"Hey, please forgive me, what are these idiots thinking..." Jiang Cheng rubbed his temples, "It's too much to steal the show at this time. It's clearly a letter-writing session from readers, but why did it change? It’s like this…”

"Because we don't have many readers at all..." Haruta replied weakly.

"That's right...that's why we need them to make up the numbers..." Jiang Cheng smiled awkwardly, but the next moment, he stood up from where he was, rolled his eyes and shouted: "What a ghost! ! Even if they don’t, there’s no need for them to make up the numbers! And the contents of these letters are completely worthless! What do they want to expose in front of the few readers?!”

After saying that, Jiang Cheng turned around and left angrily, muttering unhappily: "Really, all the good mood I had was ruined. Supervisor, director, we won't be filming today! Whoever likes it will come." Come on...cut, bah!"

But at this moment, Qingta suddenly discovered something. He stood up holding a letter and shouted at Jiang Cheng's back: "Wait a minute! Brother Jiang Cheng! There is one last letter here! The most important thing is One of them!"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at the unfolded letter Haruta held high.

Seeing the eye-catching bold black words written on the letter, Jiang Cheng's pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help but stumbled two steps: "Then...that is!"

"...This chapter is over!!"

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