Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 461: Even Tom has a few wild cat friends!

"Don't take us seriously at all..."

"Why... why didn't he resist?"

"Don't...don't be afraid! Get rid of him now!"

Looking at the group of wild cats that were about to pounce on Fangyi with their fangs and sharp claws, Gintoki rushed over without thinking twice.

"Wait! Yinshi!" Gui, who noticed something, hurriedly stopped him.

At the same time, a group of wild cats and Fangyi also noticed something, and Gintoki, who had not yet rushed to the front, forcibly stopped in an instant.

A big cat-catching net fell down, killing Fang Yi and all the wild cats, and Yin Shi escaped the catastrophe by stopping his footsteps a second before the net hit the ground.

"Hey hey..." Katsuo Heiju from the Ditch Rat Group held a toothpick in his mouth and raised his hand to the two younger brothers who were holding one end of the big net in front of him and shouted excitedly, "What a bumper harvest! Although I don't know what happened, but... a great harvest! Take them all back!"

"Oops! The movement is too loud to be noticed by humans!"

A group of wild cats struggled desperately, but it didn't help. But at this moment, Fang Yi stretched out his claws and tore apart a corner of the net.

"What are you doing?! Run away!" Fang Yi yelled at the wild cats in front of him who were puzzled.

As soon as the words fell, Fang Yi was tied up with ropes around his body, neck and limbs by several younger brothers from the ditch mouse group, and the whole cat was fixed in place and could not move.

"Hoichi—!!" Gintoki shouted.

Fang Yi did not intend to give up, but gritted his teeth and struggled to take a step forward.

But then, a big net fell down again, covering Fang Yi...


It was already daylight, and Kagura held Jiang Cheng's nape with one hand and carried Jiang Cheng, and walked into the door of Dengshi Tavern together with Xin Bachi.

"Yueyue, brought back Aru." Kagura walked forward, handed Jiang Cheng to Yueyong who was sitting and smoking in front of the counter, and sat down on the seat beside Yueyong at the same time.

"Ah, this is the reward." Yueyong took Jiang Cheng with one hand, took out an envelope with the other hand, put it on the table and pushed it in the direction of Kagura.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Yong stood up and stuffed Jiang Cheng into a special reinforced cage that had been prepared on the floor beside him.

"Well, Miss Yueyong..." Xin Baji pushed his glasses and complained expressionlessly: "Whatever, isn't this cage a bit too much? Even tigers and lions don't need such a cage..."

"No, this cage is just right for this cat." After Yue Yong locked the cage, she sat down at the counter again.

Xin Baji twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, and then sat down at the front desk, smiled and continued: "But it's true, it's better to be locked in a cage recently, because the top is not very flat, if you are accidentally caught as a wild cat, you will never come back."

Yue Yong glanced at Xin Baji lightly.

"This Kabukicho wild cat capture plan was secretly intervened by the Ditch Rat Team," Xin Bachi lowered his head and explained to himself, "They used the excuse of "to prevent wild cats from breeding, they need to be captured and neutered" to ask the city management to capture wild cats,

He even went to the street pretending to be a member of the town association to catch wild cats, and then sold them to the Tatehoshi Kiten embassy. After that, none of the cats caught by them could come back..."

[Sure enough...] Jiang Cheng, who was listening, thought of the cat catchers he saw under the floor of the shrine that day, [I always feel that something is wrong, it turned out to be those guys...]

The mother-in-law Dengshi at the counter breathed out a puff of smoke rings, closed her eyes and said, "Sure enough, I felt a little strange. It was the same last night. They were yelling and catching cats. I heard that many wild cats were caught. This street has really become much cleaner."

"Grandma Dengshi, we just want to reduce the amount of wild cats making trouble," Xin Baji said with his head down, a little disappointed, "We joined the project to make this street more suitable for people and cats to live in, but I don't think it's beautiful at all to become such a street where it's hard for a wild cat to see."

After listening, Kagura stood up with his hands on the table, and said excitedly: "Kill Aru! Go to the embassy and rescue the wild cats! Maybe Yinchan and the little uncle are also involved in the conspiracy of those guys!"

"Forget it, the other party is the embassy. If you make a casual move, it's not just a joke." Granny Dengshi reminded lightly.


"Don't worry," Granny Toshi interrupted Kagura and continued, "Do you think the wild cats who have lived on this street until now will be wiped out because of such a trivial matter? Don't do unnecessary things, the rest is their domain. Cats also have "cat's benevolence", and..."

As she said that, Granny Dengshi glanced at the cage on the ground with a huge hole at some point and the small gap where the store door was open.

"When?!" Xin Baji looked at the empty cage on the ground in surprise, "He ran away again?!"

Looking at the flat cut on the cage, Yue Yong finally came to his senses, reached into his sleeve and counted the number of bitterness hidden in the sleeve.

[One is missing...] Yue Yong was slightly startled, 【Is it when Kagura handed it to me? 】

"Kagura-chan! Hurry up, now is not the time for it to run around in the street!" Xin Baji hurriedly stood up and said to Kagura and Yueyong, "It will be terrible if you are caught! And, Miss Yueyong, leave it to us!"

"No need," Yueyong gently exhaled the second-hand smoke, "It should be just to find friends to play with, and it will come back when the time is up. Even if it is a house cat, there must be a few good wild cat friends."

"Huh?" Xin Baji let out a doubtful sound.

"It's no longer needed, I'm going back, see you later." Saying that, Yue Yong stood up and walked slowly towards the door.


"Hey, what are the two idiot wild cats and one estrous orangutan doing?" Jiang Cheng looked at the two cats and one orangutan on the wall in front of him, and asked casually, "What's wrong? Did you ask for food to the embassy? What poor wild cats~"

"Isn't your house cat still the same?" Yin Shi snorted with disdain, and replied without looking back.

"Don't compare me with you," Jiang Cheng said, jumping and landed firmly on the wall. "I just want to find a [friend] to play with after I'm full. Whether it's a ball of yarn or TAMA, it doesn't matter. After all, house cats are really lonely."

"You... really think about it?" Gintoki's expression became a little serious, and he looked forward, "If you want to regret it, do it now. Even if you do this kind of thing, your body will not recover, and you may die like a cat. Didn't Fangyi say? "The rest will be left to you." If all of us die, who will complete the work Fangyi left behind? "

"So didn't you say it just now? TAMA (life) doesn't matter." Jiang Cheng said lightly, "Besides, I'm a house cat, and things like Wild Elvis can't touch me at all, so it doesn't matter."

"I'm a gorilla," said Kondo, who was hugging the telegraph pole. "It's impossible to become a BOSS cat from the beginning, so there is no need to abide by that kind of agreement."

"Although I feel a little sorry for Your Highness Fangyi..." Gui said, "But I don't intend to live as a cat, nor do I intend to die as a cat. I want to live and die as a warrior. It doesn't matter if it's a cat or an orangutan, but to fight for my friends! This is a warrior."

"Wrong, wig." Jiang Cheng corrected lightly, "It's not just warriors who fight for their friends, it should be human beings... No, all creatures with hearts in their bodies in the world will fight for their friends, it has nothing to do with whether they are warriors or not."

"You still don't have any affection for the samurai as before~" Gui shook his head and chuckled, "But... well, forget it, you are right. Even if we are not samurai, the result will not change at all, we will still stand here."

"Really..." Gintoki stared straight ahead, and said slowly, "Yoichi, I will temporarily accept the throne of Kabukicho Wild Elvis for a day today! You bet everything you have guarded so far! We can also bet everything to protect it to the end!"

"Kabukicho BOSS cat joint, let's go!" ×4

After yelling, the three cats and the orangutan jumped into the enclosure at the same time.


thump! After a sound, the three cats and the orangutan fell steadily into the trap laid on the ground.


Two Muten Takashi people in Japanese-style formal attire pulled a cage cart and walked slowly in the corridor of the embassy. The three cats and the orangutan in the cage were all expressionless.

"It seems to have stepped on a trap, but then again, how did they escape?" A Mutian Liao star looked suspiciously at his companion who was pulling the cage cart with him.

"By the way, why is there an orangutan? Have we ever caught an orangutan?" Another Mutian Liao star wondered.

"The... battle was successful." Yinshi said.

"Yes... yes, in this way, you have successfully entered the enemy's interior." Gui replied.

"Indeed, it's a good battle plan." Jiang Cheng nodded and said.

"That's... that's right, it's exactly the same as the plan agreed in advance." Kondo spread his hands and echoed, then looked down at Jiang Cheng Sanmao who was squatting in front of him, "What should I do next? What's the next step of the plan?"

As soon as these words came out, the four of them lowered their heads at the same time and fell silent.

"Help!" Kondo cried as he grabbed the cage, "I'm an orangutan, not a cat! It has nothing to do with me! Don't! I don't want to die with these idiots!"

"I'm a domestic cat!" Jiang Cheng also shouted towards the outside of the cage, "It's not a wild cat at all! It has nothing to do with me! Who will save me——! Domestic cats and wild cats are two different creatures! Why did you just escape from one cage and be locked in another cage! Don't! Help me!"

"Be quiet!" Yin Shibai yelled loudly, "You two guys said so beautifully just now, and you betrayed in just a few shots! Don't be ashamed! You two!"

"The moment we fall into the trap after saying something beautiful, we are all embarrassed!" Kondo retorted indignantly.

"What! It's not embarrassing at all!" Yin Shibai retorted, "It's as planned! There's no panic at all!"

"It's really bad." Jiang Cheng kept groping for something on his body with sweat all over his face, "Where is the Kunai? Where is the Kunai stolen from Yueyue's cuff? Which four-dimensional pocket did you put it in? White teeth, really white teeth!"

"It's all your fault!" Yin Shi pointed at Jiang Cheng mercilessly, "The second part of the battle plan is to use your Kunai! It's all your fault for losing Kunai!"

"Shut up! When did we formulate that kind of thing?!" Jiang Chengbai retorted with eyes.

"No, in short, it was formulated before you came," Gintoki looked at Kondo beside him, "Right? Orangutan, the second step is to use this idiot Kunai, right?"

"That's right, I remember that's true." Kondo nodded and said, "So it's all your fault, Yoshiwara's, you have to take full responsibility!"

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