Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 609: All humans who use letters to express their names are cowherds!

Seeing the postures of A Miao and Shinpachi who were blasting Gintoki, Kagura, who was standing next to Kuangshirou, commented casually: "See? It looks like a man, right?"

Hearing the sound, Kuangshilang glanced at Yule in disbelief, the cold sweat on his face still not breaking out one drop after another.

"Listen! Miao!" Gintoki stood up and shouted, "The bartender and the cowherd are actually the same! They are just different in gender! In other words, I want you to be the cowherd... ugh!!"

A Miao didn't give Gintoki a chance to finish his words. After casually putting down the new eight-ring in his hand, he raised the shovel in his hand and swung it hard towards Gintoki's head... again and again, without any intention of stopping.

Seeing A Miao who was unwilling to give up and didn't regard Gintoki and Shinpachi as human beings at all, Kuangshirou swallowed a mouthful of saliva and took a step forward. He raised his hand tremblingly and spoke out to persuade.

"Please calm down a little bit, Miss Ami, it's not like this..." Although he was extremely frightened in his heart, Kuangseirou still tried hard to persuade him, "I wonder if there is Miss Ami who is known as the best barmaid in Kabukicho. If you take action..."

Hearing the praise from Kuangshilang's mouth, A Miao was stunned for a moment and stopped what she was doing. She turned around and looked at Kuangshilang with a trace of shyness on her face.

"...You will definitely be able to introduce us to many outstanding men. Because you seem to be very popular~"

Even though it was the reason that Kuangshilang made up in a hurry, A Miao still believed it to be true, covering her slightly red cheeks and twisting on the spot.

"Ara~ It's really annoying, Kuangshi Langsang is really~" A Miao blushed and said shyly, twisting her posture.

But the next moment...

Seeing the shovel in A Miao's hand being "accidentally" hit on the face, Hasegawa hurriedly ran up to Kuang Shirou, who screamed and spun upside down and fell heavily to the ground. Go ahead.

"Store manager——!"

At this time, A Miao was still immersed in Kuang Shilang's praise just now, with a rather embarrassed look on her face.

"Is he an excellent man?" A Miao caressed her cheek and muttered to herself, "It's true that I seem to know him and yet I don't seem to know him. Who should I choose? It's really annoying~"

At this time, Kondo, who was wearing a blue suit with a pink shirt, held his mobile phone and naturally said hello to the dialer.


Miss A Miao, what do you want from me? "

"The guy who no one called was the first to show up!" Xin Baji complained immediately, "He even pretended to be contacted and rushed over. It's really annoying!"

"Haha~" Kondo put away the phone, chuckled, closed his eyes and continued, "I know, Miss A Miao, if I become a cowherd, I will be snatched away by other girls. You are That's why you didn't contact me, right? I saw everything... off-screen."

"There is no such scene at all!!" Xinbaji argued angrily, "When did it appear! You stalker!"

Ignoring Shinpachi's complaints, Kondo crossed his hands across his eyes, revealing a pair of big tender eyes, and said softly: "It doesn't matter, my heart will not be taken away by anyone..."

After saying that, Kondo turned sideways and glanced at A Miao with his big tender eyes that had changed his painting style and picked up a rose.

"Axun will always be your exclusive Cowherd stalker!"

"No one will ever name him! Such a disgusting Cowherd!" Shinbachi complained again.

"Eh? Cowherd cart?" While speaking, Gintoki had already completed the transformation of Kondo, and then pointed to Kondo lying on the ground with a pulley on each limb in front of him, faced everyone and continued: "Hey, everyone , this guy wants to be a Cowherd special car, let him help carry the luggage."

After realizing it, Kondo quickly defended himself: "No, it's not like that!"

Kagura held up Kuang Shilang, who was about to lose consciousness because of A Miao's "accidental" incident, and said nonchalantly: "It's almost time to gather enough people. Let's go back."

After saying that, Kagura let out a cry and threw the Kuroshiro in his hand very easily. The latter hit Kondo hard and pushed Kondo to the ground.

At this time, Kuangshirou struggled to raise his head, revealing his bleeding forehead. He looked at Gintoki in front of him and said in a weak voice: "Well... I'm really sorry. Finally, I want to test everyone's qualifications."

"Qualifications?" Gintoki was puzzled.

Looking at the people in front of him who also looked confused, Kuangshi Lang nodded, then stood up and explained: "Yes, after all, the Cowherd's job is to chat with girls. Next, I ask you to cooperate with each other. See if you can bring a girl to the store. Just follow the pick-up method."

Yoshihara, Jiangcheng, who was completely immersed in the game and couldn't extricate himself, rolled his eyes at the moment when he was about to win the game, because he was attacked by a sharp kunai-shaped weapon thrown by a woman who opened the door on the back of his head. He fell to the ground and missed the victory of this game.

"What are you doing?! Yueyue!" Looking at the "Game Over" displayed on the monitor, Jiang Cheng, gritting his teeth, turned around and roared with white eyes, "We have reached the critical moment! We are obviously going to win!"

"You're the one who wants to do something, right?" Yue Yong said coldly as she walked towards Jiang Cheng.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" After Jiang Cheng pulled out the kunai from the back of his head, he looked back at the monitor again and started the next game.

"A text message from Kagura." Yue Yong threw her phone in front of Jiang Cheng.

"Kagura?" Jiang Cheng still looked confused, then picked up his phone and started to check the text message Yue Yong said, ""Yueyue, please don't let your uncle get close to Kabukicho today. Please, for the sake of the peace of Kabukicho street , I must let my uncle stay well in Yoshiwara!"

"What is this?" Jiang Cheng turned around, squinting his eyes and looking confused.

"How do I know!" Yue Yong took her cell phone from Jiang Cheng angrily, "You should ask yourself! What do you want to do to that street again?!"

"No, there's nothing in particular that I want to do." Jiang Cheng shook his head, then turned back to look at the monitor in front of him and continued nonchalantly, "Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, it's probably just a prank or something. Or maybe Kagura is coming to ask for pocket money or something.”

"Is this really true?" Yue Yong looked suspicious.

"I told you I don't know anymore," Jiang Cheng was a little impatient, but then he suddenly felt something again. He reached into his arms and took out his still vibrating mobile phone.

Jiang Cheng didn't even look at the message on his phone. He crushed the phone to pieces with a little force.


After throwing the body with the cellphone in his hand into the trash can, Jiang Cheng shrugged and casually replied, "I don't know, but he's probably a guy that no one likes."

Seeing Jiang Cheng's indifferent expression, after a moment of silence, Yue Yong slowly turned around and left.

"This month is already the fifth one, and the funds for mobile phones will no longer be granted to you."

"Ah, it doesn't matter." Jiang Cheng responded without looking back, "Recently, it would be much better if we didn't have that kind of thing. That guy is so annoying..."

(Note: Jiang Cheng and Kagura’s mobile phones and the communicators used to communicate with Jiang Hua are separate, not the same one.)

Yue Yong ignored him, just stepped out of the door without stopping and closed the door behind him.

However, after leaving the house, Yue Yong silently gave Baihua the order to "increase patrols recently to prevent suspicious persons from approaching Yoshihara."

Jiang Cheng, who came to the window at some unknown time, looked downstairs at Yue Yong, who was walking down the street holding a cigarette stick, and chuckled softly.

"It still looks a bit like a woman..." After murmuring this casually, Jiang Cheng turned around and stretched, "Keep going~ the game continues~"

Jiang Cheng sat down in front of the computer and picked up the game controller again. He was suddenly stunned for a moment, then he picked up his chin and frowned as he thought.

"No, wait, it feels like... I definitely forgot something, the release date of the game? No, no, there is no game I want released today. So, what is it?"

Jiang Cheng, who had been thinking hard for a long time but still couldn't figure out what he had forgotten, put this inconspicuous and perhaps indescribable trouble behind his mind and once again devoted himself to the game.

On the other side, Kabukicho Takamagahara.

Kuangshirou, who was sitting in a certain booth, looked at Gintoki and the others who were all handcuffed in front of him, as well as Sougo and Juju on one side, and spoke helplessly.

"Um...everyone, I asked you to arrest the customers into the store. Why did you get arrested by the police instead?"

Gintoki, who was riding on Kondo who was kneeling on the ground with his clothes missing for some reason, glanced at Fourteen and said in defense: "Manager, if this bastard didn't get in the way, we would have captured two or three women long ago. .”

As he said that, Gintoki glanced down at Kondo underneath him, "Right? ISAO?"

"GIN is right," Kondo replied with a hint of helplessness with his eyes closed, "It's true, the police have made such a fuss over such small things recently. This street has become increasingly uninhabitable."

Listening to the two singing together, veins popped up on Fourteen's face unconsciously, and he shouted at Kondo with rolled eyes: "You are the boss of those policemen!"

"That was a long time ago," Kondo said with a faint smile of relief on his lips, then took a bite of the peeled banana that Gintoki extended and chewed it, while continuing in a unclear voice: "I decided to give up my status and reputation for Miss A Miao and start over from the bottom as a cowherd and chariot."

Sougo, standing next to Kagura, who was cosplaying an angel with a smirk on his face for some reason, said: "Kondo-san, let alone the bottom, you started from scratch from the Jomon period."

"We're going back." Fourteen took Kondo's arm, "If you want to be a car, you should at least be a patrol car to protect this street."

Kondo struggled and shouted: "Even the Cowherd is protecting this street very well! If this continues, this street may be destroyed by Madam!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Sougo complained.

"GIN! Talk to them too!" Kondo looked at Gintoki and shouted, "Big trouble will happen if the number one (Ace) is caught! Neither Whitebeard nor Luffy will just sit idly by!"

At this time, Kuang Shilang, who had been observing a few people, suddenly noticed something.

"Just feed him one banana a day," Gintoki politely reminded Sougo and Juju, "If he's still slow, let him play with his own Banana."

Kondo, who was pushed to the door by Fourteen, was still struggling desperately: "No! You will be treated like a captive gorilla! Store manager——!!"

"Okay! Come here quickly!" Fourteen said angrily.

"Um, can you please stay for a moment?" Kuangshilang walked towards the fourteenth and three people.

Seeing this, Kondo was moved: "Store manager! Woohoo..."

Ignoring Kondo, Kuroshiro stepped on Kondo's face and passed Kondo before coming to the front of Shizuo and Sougo.

"No, I don't mean the orangutan."

Looking at Kuangshirou who was looking at his face carefully with a serious expression in front of him, Fourteen and Sougo were stunned for a moment at the same time.

"Maybe... maybe it can be done." Kuangshilang murmured, his brows gradually relaxing.

The time came at night.

In front of Gao Tianyuan's door, A Miao, who was wearing a waiter's uniform, narrowed her eyes and smiled and called out to the three young ladies who had just passed by the door.

"Ladies, do you have any arrangements for tonight?" As she spoke, A Miao squeezed her eyes and raised her hand to gesture to the gate of Takamagahara beside Ichiban, "If you don't mind, please come to this Angel's Rest. The place is Takamagahara, how about letting your wings rest for a while?”

"Ah?" The girl in a blue kimono looked up and looked at the three characters Takamagahara shining on the door and was surprised, "Takamagahara has been resurrected."

"But I heard that because the cowherds resigned one after another, this place has closed down." Another girl in a pink kimono frowned and said.

"We hired some new cowboys and have now reopened the business," A Miao explained.

"Really?!" The girl in the blue kimono looked surprised, but then she thought of something, "But the new cowboys are just ugly men, right?"

"That's right." The girl in a green kimono and glasses, who looked like a senior in the literature department, nodded in agreement.

"It's nothing," A Miao shook her head and spoke slowly, "There are some of the best handsome guys in Edo gathered here. We will definitely give you a special night~"


While A Miao was talking, the door to Gao Tianyuan slowly opened, and the three girls subconsciously looked inside the door.

Standing in front of Gintoki and the others, Shizuo and Sougo, who turned slightly sideways and closed their Western-style formal attire like a top card, also held a flower in their hands.

"Welcome—" Sougo said and turned sideways again.

"New High Amhara." Fourteen took the words and turned sideways to face Sougo back to back.

"I won't let you go tonight until tomorrow morning, little kittens," Sougo said with a handsome eye.

"The passionate yet cold PARTY begins now." With that, Fourteen sat next to Kondo, who had two motorcycle armrests tied to his head and had a serious expression on his face. He folded his hands and shouted, "Herewego! Let's party!! "

Gintoki and others behind him raised their hands and cheered.


"...How big!!!" Fourteen, holding a rocket launcher and firing a round at Gintoki and the others, roared with blue veins and white eyes, "Why do we even have to "Let's Party" with you! ! "

boom! ! !

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