Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 646: People with naturally curly hair are not bad guys!

In a restaurant in Kabukicho, looking at Kodama holding a black background board with a death-like title in his hand, Gintoki roared with veins and white eyes and kicked him over, hitting the wooden board on the side of Kodama's head. .

"I know you!" Gintoki complained loudly, somewhat frantically, "Why did you make the title look like "The God of Death"? ! They have all turned into other works! "

Ignoring Gintoki's complaints, Xiaoyu continued: "Anyway, you already understand that there is no way to make a comeback right now, right?"

Gintoki sat down again, holding his chin with one hand and curling his lips in displeasure: "But those people suddenly changed from silver to gold, why do I have to be played with by that plastic model? It's not a (model) Kuangshiro! You instigators must take responsibility!"

"Unfortunately, Gengai-sama has also been brainwashed by him." Xiaoyu explained with some regret, "He has turned into a monster that even the creator is helpless. If you want to be an enemy of him, it means being an enemy of everyone. First of all, we have to remind everyone of Gintoki-sama.”

Gintoki was startled, stood up instantly and exclaimed in surprise: "Can such a thing be done?!"

Xiaoyu slowly explained: "Although he has tampered with all of Gintoki-sama's deeds so far, he only changed the appearance from natural curls to ion perm. The specific plot should not have been modified, that is to say, The present Perfect Golden Toki was, for some unknown reason, a bastard who did all kinds of evil and wasted no time."

"Huh? No, what do you mean?"

Xiaodama continued: "As long as this sense of error and contradiction can be stimulated, the gold-plated layer in the memory may be peeled off. When we want to defeat Jin, everyone's strength is indispensable. Let's win back our friends together. .Retrieve the man named Sakata Gintoki who sleeps deep in everyone’s memory.”

After listening, Gintoki lowered his head and remained silent for a few seconds before raising his head and asking casually: "Xiaoyu, don't you think there is something else you haven't said?"

"Kintoki-sama has been told all the data." Xiaoyu replied, "Also, this is the only way I can analyze it."

"That's it..." As he spoke, Gintoki suddenly found something, waved his hand and continued, "No, don't worry, it's probably just that I'm overthinking it. After all, that idiot didn't have any problems yesterday. "

"That idiot?" Xiaoyu was puzzled.

"Don't worry, I just said it casually." Gintoki waved his hand again, his words full of disapproval, "However, I would like to remind you that it is better not to get involved with that idiot, especially if it is an agreement or something, he... But a very dangerous guy."

"What on earth are you talking about? Gintoki-sama?" Xiaoyu was puzzled.

"No, it's nothing..."

At night, Kabukicho Smile Bar.

"Ah, that's really worrying," A Miao, who was sitting in the booth, looked at the Wanshiwu trio in front of her (Kintoki, Shinpachi, Kagura) and said with some surprise, "Miss Xiaotama and Ding Do you really have no clue about Chun’s whereabouts?”

"I've been looking around the streets with my mothers-in-law, but we can't find it anywhere." Jin Shi replied.

"What should we do? If Sadaharu and Xiaoyu don't come back like this..." As he spoke, Kagura's expression gradually lost lust, her eyes gradually filled with mist, and her words were full of loss, "I... I……"

At this time, Kintoki reached out and gently placed his hand on Kagura's head, comforting him: "Don't worry, they won't die so easily."

"Kin-chan..." Kagura raised her head and looked at Kintoki blankly.

"I will definitely find them, I promise you." Kintoki promised, and then, after seeing that the expression on Kagura's face did not ease at all, he comforted: "So don't show that expression again,

Today we are..."

Before Kintoki finished speaking, Kagura actually changed his expression, seemed a little different from the expression change that Kintoki had imagined.

"And what's going on with that bastard OTAKU?!" Kagura rolled her eyes and roared as she punched Kintoki straight in the stomach, "Women raised outside don't feel the same at all. Not even there, Aru?! You say "it should be fine" and don't care about it at all, you're so angry! It’s so hot! ! "

Seeing Kagura gritting his teeth and punching Kintoki's stomach one after another, Shinpachi quickly stood up and stepped forward to stop him: "Calm down! Kagura-chan! It has nothing to do with Kinsang! By the way, Miss Xiaotama is also She is no longer the woman Jiang Chengsang raised outside!"

Jinshi, who was holding his abdomen, slowly shook his head: "No, it doesn't matter. If you feel you have nowhere to vent, just vent it on me."

"Kin-chan..." Kagura looked at Kintoki blankly again and murmured.

Jinshi continued: "Okay, let's be more happy. Why do you think we came to various places today? Of course it's to cheer you up."

"I hate it, Jin Sang, what do you mean by "a place like this"? A waitress in the booth next to her complained to Jin Shi, "Didn't you come here just to see me?" "

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Jin Shi finally reacted, then turned his head, clapped his hands and shouted to the side, "Hey, can you add a bottle of wine to every table in this store? Everyone ! I’m treating you to a treat today, so everyone must have a good drink! In exchange, please let us know if you see them!"

In an instant, all the guests present raised their hands and cheered.

"As expected of Jin Sang!"

"Leave it to us, we are willing to do anything for Jin Sang!"

"Do not worry!"

Listening to the cheers from the guests, A Miao couldn't help but smile and said: "It seems that as long as I leave it to Jin Sang, I don't have to worry."

Kagura, whose expression had softened, responded and nodded.

But at this moment, the waiter's voice came from the direction of the door of Smile Bar.

"Please wait a moment for that." The waiter standing at the door reminded with some distress, "Animals are not allowed in our store..."

Along with the click, click, click of high-heeled shoes on the ground, Xiaoyu's voice sounded: "But in my opinion, you humans are all animals. After all, this child is one of the outstanding members of SEPIA. Lu, right? Gintoki-sama?"


Looking at Gintoki who walked into the store, rubbing the back of his head and staring with dead eyes, looking like a dead person, Sadaharu wearing glasses beside him, and Xiaoyu wearing a red cheongsam, holding a mop in his hand and wearing high heels, Xin Both Baji and Kagura were feeling bad at the same time, their mouths wide open in fear and they lost their highlights.

After a few seconds, Xin Bajiu came back to his senses and spat loudly: "What are you doing?!"

"Sadaharu! And Xiaoyu too, are you okay, Aru?!" Kagura quickly asked a few people, "But what about that outfit..."

"We are not Dingchun and Xiaodama," Xiaodama said aloud, "We are Yule from SEPIA and Shuaruyo from Dingpachi."

"Ouch!" Dingchun shouted.

Shinpachi once again complained: "What is "Deshuo Aruyo"? ! Miss Xiaoyu, what nonsense are you talking about? ! "

Looking at Gintoki walking slowly towards the store, Kagura pointed directly at Gintoki and shouted: "Hey! Is that you?! Did you dye Xiaodama and Sadharu into SEPIA (dark brown) color?!"

Ignoring Kagura's displeasure, Gintoki came straight to A Miao and said, "Um, I'm sorry, Miss A Miao. I heard that you want to entrust the Master House with something, right?"

"Huh?" A Miao was stunned for a moment, but then she suddenly thought of something and continued: "Are you talking about the karaoke in the repair shop? But we have already asked Jin Sang..."

"Instead of looking for these two hundred and fifty, it's better to entrust it to us. I guarantee that we are much more capable than them."

"You bastard!" Kagura suddenly became unhappy and shouted angrily, clenching his fists, "Not only are you making a copycat version, but you also want to steal our jobs, Aru?!"

"Um..." The waiter on the side raised his hand, pointed his other hand in a certain direction and said, "This one is broken."

Hearing the sound, Xin Baji quickly turned around, waved his hands and said in a panic: "Ah! Please, please wait a moment!"

Looking at the broken karaoke equipment with a monitor in front of her, Xiaoyu repeatedly asked Gintoki on the side: "You understand, right? You have to be better and more conspicuous than them no matter what. Only in this way can you win the prize." This will stimulate their memories of Gintoki-sama.”

"Ah, I understand." Gintoki responded, "Leave it to me, Gule."

"I'm Yule." Xiaoyu corrected.

"Hey, hey, is this it?" With that, Gintoki came to the karaoke private room, and at the same time asked the waiter standing aside casually, "This is the latest version that contains the complete set of Torabu-ryu "DOAR" chapters. Machine, right? "

"No, it's not just "DOAR", there are 300,000 songs in it. ” the waiter corrected.

"Okay, I have a general understanding." After Gintoki touched the back of his head and said this, he leaned down and stretched out his two arms to pick up the karaoke equipment. At the same time, he continued: "There are some problems with repairing here. It’s on, let’s change the venue, hey…”

The next moment, the karaoke equipment in Gintoki's hand hit Kintoki's head hard.

"Ah! Sorry! The "DOAR" of Chapter 300,000 was too heavy and my hand slipped! "Gintoki, whose veins were bursting with rage, shouted.

"Lord Gintoki!" Xiaoyu quickly tried to persuade her, "Please calm down! Just be patient for now..."

But Gintoki didn't listen at all, and still hit Kintoki's head with the machine in his hand again and again.

"Chapter 1 of "DOAR"! "DOAR" two chapters! "DOAR" three chapters! I hate it so much! ! ! "

Looking at Gintoki who didn't stop moving at all, Shinpachi on the side complained wildly: "Why did it become the "Banshu Number DOAR Ghost Story"! Have you had enough trouble? ! What do you want to do these times? ! "

At this time, Gincai came back to his senses and stopped what he was doing, "Ah, that's terrible! I accidentally..."


Looking at the karaoke equipment that made a slight explosion and started to smoke, Xin Baji complained again: "The karaoke machine is even more broken, okay?!"

At this moment, Xiaodama, who instantly raised her foot from behind and kicked Gintoki to the ground, caught the karaoke machine that was still smoking and said, "Don't worry, this is for me to sneak in." The preparations made for the karaoke machine said Aru.”

Gintoki, who was stepped hard on the face by high heels, suddenly thought of something, [Well, this guy can repair broken machines by talking to them! 】

One minute later...

Xiaoyu, who put her hand on the karaoke machine, slowly closed her eyes, and at the same time, her consciousness began to connect with the karaoke machine...

in the space of consciousness.

On the rooftop, Xiaoyu, who was wearing a professional white-collar suit, placed a can of gasoline on the railing and said softly: "Would you like a can? What's the matter? You look worried. Are you still looking at the rice cooker?" Do you remember it?"

Gintoki looked at Kodama and the karaoke machine standing on the rooftop in the consciousness space or fantasy space, and thought in his mind [It has appeared! The noontime theater of the machines——】

"I told you to give up before," Xiaoyu advised kindly, "That man has no intention of divorcing his wife at all, and that man is still dating the phone guy at the front desk every night, and we have a passionate relationship. He is He is a man who can make love to anyone in a warm state. If you get stuck with that kind of man, you will soon miss your marriageable period and become a leftover."

As he said that, Xiaoyu seemed to suddenly think of something again, and turned to look at the karaoke machine aside, "Ah! By the way! Tonight I am going to socialize with Tuo Juzun (Dyson, Dyson Vacuum Cleaner) from a foreign company... "

【Come on! Xiaoyu! Let them see the true power of All Things House! 】In reality, Gintoki clenched his fists and cheered for Xiaodama in his heart.

But at this moment, in the fantasy space, Jin Toki, wearing a men's business suit and holding a rice cooker in his arms, came behind Xiaoyu and the karaoke machine and said: "Wait a minute. The rice cooker manager has something to say to you. .”

In reality, Gintoki opened his eyes wide and gritted his teeth, looking in disbelief at Kintoki, who was holding a rice cooker and putting his other hand on the karaoke machine with his eyes closed.

At the same time, I thought in my mind: [Is it difficult... Could it be that this guy also...? ! 】

In the fantasy world, Kintoki looked at the rice cooker in his arms with gentle eyes, and continued softly: "The rice cooker director turned off his power a long time ago. When he came back from a business trip, he saw that his wife had already met Sui Ruji. Husband (, Sharp Water Oven) cooked raw rice into cooked rice.”

As he spoke, Jinshi opened the lid of the rice cooker and showed the remaining rice at the bottom of the rice cooker to the karaoke machine, and continued: "Since then, he couldn't bear the loneliness, and he still has a phone with you... but the rice cooker You should know best that the minister can no longer cook, right?"

"Could it be that..." Xiaoyu suddenly thought of something. She opened her eyes unconsciously and looked at the karaoke machine with a bit of disbelief. "Could it be that Karako, you and the minister are in a platonic relationship..."

Jinshi closed his eyes and continued slowly: "He also said that when he went to karaoke with you, he felt a vague feeling of heat even though he didn't turn on the power."

Xiaoyu quickly warned: "It's impossible, don't be deceived by him! How could that minister..."

"Can I hear that piece again?"

After hearing the music gradually playing, Xiaoyu hurriedly stopped him and said: "Karazi! No!!"

But... it's too late.

"Cry alone~

Then shine, UltraSoul! "

As soon as A Miao, who was holding the microphone, sang, everyone on the side jumped up with their fists raised and cheered.

"As expected of Jin Sang! So reliable!" Xin Baji praised.

"I'm next! Let me sing a song too, Aru!"

Gintoki on the side looked at the scene in front of him with a black line on his side, a dark face, and the corners of his mouth twitching, and he was just silent.

The time came the next morning.

Location: Yagyu's house.

Event: Rise of the Planet of the Apes...ah, no, I made a mistake, Rise of the Monkeys.

Looking at the little Shitball who climbed to the roof and refused to come down, Jiubei slowly explained to the three people behind him: "As you can see, because I criticized its prank and then refused to Come down. I asked you to come because I had no choice."

At this moment, Gintoki, Yuraku and Teihachi suddenly stepped in and blocked Kintoki and the others behind them.

"OK OK, I understand." Gintoki clapped his hands and said, "This is the plot of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, right? Leave it to us, no problem."

"Hey!!" behind him, Shinbaji yelled frantically, "You guys should stop it! How much do you want to hinder us?"

【hateful! ! ] Gintoki gritted his teeth and thought to himself, [This time, this time, I must show results to restore my reputation! 】

At this moment, a banana was suddenly thrown next to the little shit ball.

Looking at Sadharu who appeared on the roof at some unknown time, Gintoki was surprised and said: [Johachi is up! Could it be that that guy can communicate with fellow animals? ! 】

"Ouch!" Dingchun shouted.

Translation: What's wrong? A melancholy look.

But only a second passed before Dingba was hit in the face by Xiaoshiwan.

Watching this scene, Gintoki thought: [Ah! Sure enough? Sure enough, dogs and monkeys cannot live in harmony! 】

(Inumaru no Naka: describes the incompatible relationship between two people.)

Maybe this is a fake Gintama

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