Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 100 My sister's journey is the sea of ​​stars and stars

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Just jump down, hurry up! Why are you pretending to be a lady!" Jiang Muye hurriedly urged.

Ning Xi twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly, put her hands on the window sill, and jumped down.

Jiang Muye immediately pulled her over, turned her around several times to see if there were signs of ambiguity on her body, and then stared at her with burning eyes, "Did something happen last night?"

Ning Xi was almost fainted by him, and said in a bad mood, "Jiang Muye, why are you so nervous when you don't sleep early in the morning? What can happen if I sleep well?"

The veins on Jiang Muye's forehead popped violently, "Ning Xi! Are you a pig? Don't tell me you don't know how you got back last night!"

"I really don't know!" Ning Xi looked innocent.

Jiang Muye took a deep breath to calm himself down. He gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you so stupid that you haven't been sold yet? Lu Tingxiao personally carried you back last night!"

Ning Xi was a little dazed when she heard the words, and then she said disapprovingly, "So what? It must be because the little baby couldn't bear to wake me up and begged his father to bring me back!"

Because it was the same at the bar, except for Lu Tingxiao, Xiaobao didn't let anyone touch her, so she didn't think it was a big deal.

Jiang Muye was half-dead with anger, "Ning Xi, can you have some fun? Lu Tingxiao is obviously interested in you, okay?"

Ning Xi gave a long sigh, then put her hands on Jiang Muye's shoulders, and said earnestly, "Brother, my sister's journey is the sea of ​​stars and stars, and she will not stop for any flowers, so even if you kneel down and cry and beg me to be your big brother Aunt, I won’t give you this chance either, OK? Please don’t suffer from paranoia anymore, go back and sleep!”

Hearing this, Jiang Muye felt very complicated. He breathed a sigh of relief and stared at her with a tangled face, "Are you really planning to never get married for the rest of your life? What if you meet someone you like? Ning Xiaoxi, your idea is very dangerous and very dangerous." Don’t you know what’s important? Let me tell you, although career is also very important, for a woman, marriage is... ah—"

Ning Xi couldn't bear it anymore and kicked over, "Jiang Muye, you're not finished, are you? Are you trying to find fault with me? I think you haven't been beaten for too long and feel uncomfortable all over!"

"You were beaten the day before yesterday!"

"It's obvious that I didn't beat you enough last time. My sister will beat you up today. Let's see if you dare to BB all day long!" Ning Xi rolled up her sleeves and was about to do it.

Jiang Muye ran away with his head in his arms, suddenly looked behind her and said, "Uncle..."

Ning Xi sneered sinisterly, "Help? No one came to save you today even if you screamed and broke your throat!"

Before Ning Xi's magic claw fell, Jiang Muye yelled, "It's's my uncle!"

Ning Xi's back stiffened, she turned her head mechanically, and then saw Lu Tingxiao standing there in a tracksuit against the light, with sweat rolling on his skin, it looked like he had just finished his morning run.

Ning Xi, who beat up his nephew but was caught on the spot, rolled her eyes, pointed at Jiang Muye and said, "Mr. Lu, this guy came to smash your window early in the morning, but I found out, I'm going to help you Beat him up!"

Jiang Muye stared at her, "Shameless..."

"How dare you say you didn't smash it!" Ning Xi said sternly.

Lu Tingxiao at the side reached out to remove a piece of grass from the girl's hair, and then rubbed her head with his big palm very naturally, "Don't mess around, go wash up, you can have breakfast."

"Oh, right away!" Ning Xi proudly made a face at Jiang Muye, and ran away.

At this moment, Jiang Muye could not wait to grab Ning Xi and yell: "Once!" twice! three times! Lu Tingxiao is so obvious, are your titanium alloy dog ​​eyes blind?

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